Bruising in Children

Why do bruises appear on children? Read on to learn about bruising in children and how to treat a bruise that appears on your child.

A bruise is a small collection of blood beneath the skin. Most bruises develop when a blow breaks blood vessels near the skin's surface, allowing a small amount of blood to leak into the tissues under your skin. The trapped blood may cause a bruise that looks like a black-and-blue mark that changes colour as it heals.

Bruising may occur after a fall, collision with a hard surface, or upon impact with a blunt object. 

How To Treat a Bruise?

Do remember RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate) for simple first-aid measures for your child's bruise.



Rest the bruised area if possible



Apply an ice pack (wrapped in a towel) to the area of bruising. Leave it in place for 15 - minutes. Repeat several times a day during the first 48 hours as needed.



Most times, a compression bandage is not required.



Elevate the injured area

You may also give an age-appropriate dose of paracetamol or ibuprofen if your child has no allergies.

Consult Your Doctor If You Notice Your Child:

  • Has very painful swelling or deformities in the bruised area. This may suggest a fracture.
  • Has bruising noted around the eyes or behind the ears after a head injury.
  • Is still experiencing pain three days later after a seemingly minor injury.
  • Has bruises that are not related to injury or unexplained bruises, particularly if the bruises appear on the trunk, back or face.
  • Has bruises in the context of extra bleeding, e.g., regular nose bleeds or bleeding from the gums.
  • Has patterns of injury suggestive of a nonaccidental cause, e.g., bruising in pre-mobile children and bruises appearing over relatively protected areas of the body such as behind the ears, neck, trunk, or buttocks, should trigger concerns about possible nonaccidental causes.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is meant purely for educational purposes and may not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should seek the advice of your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider before starting any treatment or if you have any questions related to your health, physical fitness or medical condition.

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