A healthy diet and healthy eating habits will help you attain a healthy weight and improve your heart health.
In addition to watching how much fluid and salt you take in, a healthy diet is also important for you to have a healthy heart.
Excess body weight adds strain to your heart. So, keep within your desirable body mass index (BMI), which is 18.5 – 22.9 for Asian adults. This is calculated as your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in metres.
BMI (for adults)
Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes
27.5 & above
High Risk
23.0 - 27.4
Moderate Risk
18.5 - 22.9
Low Risk (healthy range)
Less than 18.5
Risk of nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis
Steps to a Healthy Diet
Eat less fat
o Take less fat in your diet to help reduce your cholesterol level as well as to help you maintain a healthy weight
Choose the healthier types of fat (unsaturated fats such as olive oil, corn oil and sunflower oil instead of saturated such as coconut oil)
Eat less cholesterol-rich food
A diet that is high in cholesterol and high in fats, especially saturated fats, may increase blood cholesterol levels
Avoid egg yolks, organ meats, seafood (e.g. squid) as they contain high amounts of dietary cholesterol
Eat more fibre
A high fibre diet (particularly soluble fibre) will improve your blood cholesterol level
Good sources of fibre are vegetables, fruits and whole grains
Eat less sugar
A diet high in sugar can contribute to weight gain
Speak to your dietitian about your dietary requirements and find out more about how you can keep to a healthy diet
Excessive weight loss may also be harmful in patients with heart failure. Do inform your case/care manager, nurse or doctor if you are losing weight drastically.
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