Diagnostics Services: Know Your Health Inside Out

Diagnostics laboratory services are available and accessible for your regular health screenings.

National Healthcare Group Diagnostics (NHGD) is a clinical shared service of NHG that provides quality and affordable imaging and laboratory services.

Why You Need Diagnostics Services

Traditionally, diagnostics services including X-rays, mammograms, bone mineral densitometry and electrocardiography were found only in hospitals for patients undergoing secondary or tertiary treatment for later-stage conditions. However, early and regular health screenings are important for us to know our health inside out. 

Accessible diagnostics services can save lives by helping us to prevent or get the earliest treatment for any potential health conditions.

Where to Find Diagnostics Services for Your Health Screening Needs

NHGD offers the following diagnostics laboratory services at NHG Polyclinics:

  • Clinical laboratory (general laboratory and panel laboratory tests)
  • Bone mineral densitometry* (BMD)
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • General X-ray (chest, head and neck, upper and lower limbs and trunk)
  • Screening mammogram*#
  • Spirometry
  • Ultrasound* (abdomen, kidneys and bladder, liver/hepatobiliary system, pelvis and thyroid)

Islandwide mobile services also operate year-round, allowing convenient, easy access to these diagnostics services.

For more information about NHGD’s range of services, please click here.

* By appointment only
#Breast Screen Singapore (BSS) accredited.

NHG Polyclinics with Diagnostics Services

You may find the imaging and laboratory services you need at NHG Polyclinics.

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