Ryzodeg is used to reduce high blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. Learn how to use the medication, its common side effects, special precautions to watch out for, and more.

What is this medication for?

Ryzodeg is a premixed insulin. It is a mix of long-acting and rapid (fast)-acting insulins. It is used to reduce high blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. The rapid (fast)-acting insulin helps to lower the increase in sugar level after a meal, while the long-acting insulin helps to control your blood sugar levels throughout the day.

How should I take/use this medication?

  • Do not stop taking your medication without checking with your healthcare professional.
  • This medicine should be injected with the larger or largest meal(s)

How to select an injection site

  • Insulin should be injected into the fatty tissue that is between the skin and muscle layer.
  • You should rotate the injection site within the same area to prevent your body from forming lipodystrophy (a small lump or dent in the skin that forms when a person repeatedly injects in the same spot).
  • Do not inject insulin in the areas that are actively used during exercise.
  • Your abdomen or tummy area is the best site for injection as it provides the fastest and most consistent absorption of insulin.

How to inject insulin

  1. Clean the skin before injecting the insulin.
  2. Lift a skin fold.
  3. Insert the needle at 90 degrees, right angle to the skin.
  4. During the injection, inject the insulin by pushing the plunger all the way down slowly with your index finger. Hold the needle and pen in place for 10 seconds before removing the needle and releasing the pinched skin
  5. While removing the needle from your skin, make sure you keep the plunger pushed down. This will ensure you get the full dose. Do not rub or massage the injection site.
  6. Throw the syringe or pen needle away properly in a container that cannot be punctured.

What should I do if I forget to take/use this medication?

If a dose is missed, you can take the missed dose with the next main meal of that day and thereafter resume the usual dosing schedule. You should not take an extra dose to make up for a missed dose

What precautions should I take?

  • Do not drive, use machinery or do anything else that could be dangerous if you are dizzy or are not alert
  • Self-monitor for symptoms of low and high blood glucose, and be mindful of conditions which can affect blood glucose levels such as fever/falling sick, skipping of meal, (unplanned) exercise
  • Ensure to rotate the injection sites to prevent skin changes, which can affect insulin absorption and sugar control Do not switch your insulin medication without the advice of your healthcare professional
  • Always check the insulin label and dialled units on the dose counter before each injection

In addition, inform your healthcare professional if:

  • You are allergic to this medication or any of the other ingredients of this medication
  • You are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding (remove if not needed)

What are some common side-effects of this medication?

Like all medications, this medication may cause some possible side effects but not everyone experiences them. Consult your healthcare professional if any of the side effects become severe and bothersome.

This medication may cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Symptoms of low blood sugar include:

  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Hunger
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Blurred vision
  • Walking unsteadily
  • Fast heartbeat

If you experience any of these low blood sugar symptoms, do the following immediately:

  • Step 1: Check your blood sugar with a home blood sugar meter (glucometer) if available. If your blood sugar level is less than 4 mmol/L, take 15 grams of fast-acting sugar. Examples of 15 grams of fast-acting sugar include:
    • 3 glucose tablets or
    • Half a glass of fruit juice (200ml) or
    • Half a can of soft drink or sweetened drink (175ml) or
    • 1 can of less sugar soft drink (330ml) or
    • 3 teaspoons of sugar, honey or syrup
  • Step 2: Monitor yourself for 15 minutes. If you have a glucometer (home blood sugar meter), check your blood sugar level again after 15 minutes.
  • Step 3: If your blood sugar level is still less than 4 mmol/L or you still have symptoms of low blood sugar, you should take another 15 grams of fast-acting sugar as per Step 1. If your symptoms do not go away, see a doctor or go to the hospital immediately.
  • Step 4: Take your meal or snack if your blood sugar level is 4 mmol/L and above after consuming the fast-acting sugar earlier on.

Low blood sugar may occur if you:

  • Inject too much insulin
  • Do not eat on time, miss your meals or change your diet
  • Exercise or work too hard just before or after a meal
  • Do not eat well due to an infection or illness (especially diarrhoea or vomiting)
  • Drink alcohol on an empty stomach while injecting insulin
  • Have kidney or liver problems which have worsened

Some patients may also experience mild pain, redness, bruising, swelling, a small lump or dent of the skin at the injection site.

  • Do not reuse your needles, rotate injection sites within the recommended areas and use shorter needles (4mm or 6mm) to reduce the chances of developing such reactions.
  • They also usually go away in a few days to a few weeks.
  • See a doctor if you frequently experience this. Your injection technique may need to be reviewed.

What are some rare but serious side-effects that I need to seek medical advice immediately?

The symptoms of a drug allergy include one or more of the following:

  • Swollen face/eyes/lips/tongue
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Itchy skin rashes over your whole body

Seek medical advice immediately too if:

  • Your low blood sugar episode becomes severe e.g. feeling dizzy or passing out
  • Your low blood sugar episode does not resolve with consuming some sugar

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should stop your medication and see your healthcare professional immediately

What food or medication should I avoid when I take this medication?

Certain medications may increase or reduce your insulin needs, and mask symptoms of low blood sugar. Consult your healthcare professionals for further advice on the suitability of this medication with your other medications

How should I store this medication?

Store away from direct sunlight. Keep this medication away from children.

When unopened, store in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C). Do not freeze.

After first opening, the medicinal product may be stored for a maximum of 4 weeks in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C) or below 30°C

Keep the cap on the pen in order to protect from light. Protect from heat

How should I throw away this medication safely?

You may throw this injection away along with the used needles into a metal tin or thick plastic container (e.g. detergent bottles). You can also buy a container specially designed to throw sharp items, known as a sharps box, to prevent any injuries due to the needles.



Please take note that the above is not a complete list of all possible side effects. If you have any concerns about your medication or if you have other side effects that you think are caused by this medication, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

If you take more than the recommended dose, please seek medical advice immediately. The information provided on this page does not replace information from your healthcare professional. Please consult your healthcare professional for more information.

This article is jointly developed by members of the National Medication Information workgroup. The workgroup consists of cluster partners (National Healthcare Group, National University Health System and SingHealth), community pharmacies (Guardian, Unity and Watsons) and Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore. The content does not reflect drug availability and supply information in pharmacies and healthcare institutions. You are advised to check with the respective institutions for such information.

Last updated on April 2024

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