Learn how to spot the signs of depression, get help and manage your mental wellbeing.
It is normal to feel sad when we lose a loved one, fail an exam, or even end a relationship. However, when feelings of sadness is prolonged and affects our daily lives, it is symptomatic of depression.
Other signs of depression include:
Related: Myths and Misconceptions About Depression
If you have been constantly feeling sad and experiencing some or all of the symptoms above, it is appropriate to seek professional medical help, especially so if thoughts of death or suicide are present. Do not self-diagnose or self-manage without speaking to a medical professional first. Don't be embarrassed if you need to seek help for your depression. There are professionals out there who can advise you on the best course of action and provide the support you need to make positive changes to your life. Remember you are worth it! We all need a helping hand at times and there is nothing wrong in asking for help.
Related: Coping with Depression
Following your doctor's consult, below are some self-management tips that you can try at home.
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This article was last reviewed on 18 Oct 2021
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