Around week 8, going for your first antenatal scan offers an exciting time for you to get a glimpse of your growing baby. So what can you expect?
By Dr Michelle LIM, Associate Consultant and Associate Professor Tan Thiam Chye, Visiting Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KK Women's and Children's Hospital
You should get your first ultrasound scan done in your first trimester (which lasts between weeks 5 and 12). This will allow the doctor to establish your due date. Don't go too early though — your baby will only be able to be seen on the scan after six weeks of pregnancy. Accurate measurements are more easily taken around weeks 8 to 12.
Related: Before the First Antenatal Visit (Choosing Your Doctor)
The ultrasound scan is a common procedure that allows your doctor to get images of your baby and to check on the progress. The doctor will ask you to lie down and will apply some gel on your tummy, which will help facilitate the scan. It's also normal for your doctor to use a vaginal probe, which is inserted inside you to get a clearer look at your baby.
What Do I Expect During My First Antenatal Visit?
Scans are very common and are endorsed by experts. But as with all procedures, balance is important, and scans should ideally only be undertaken carefully and for a specific reason.
All You Need to Know About First Trimester Scans
Ultrasounds in your second trimester will help screen your baby's organs, while the scans closer to your due date help ensure that your little one is growing healthily.
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Read these next:
The New Art and Science of Pregnancy and Childbirth 2008, World Scientific
Healthy Start for your Pregnancy 2012, Health Promotion Board Singapore
This article was last reviewed on 28 Jun 2021
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