This deadly attraction to tobacco, alcohol and drugs can be beaten.
Parenting a teenager can be tricky. The adolescent years are often filled with phases of self-exploration and experimentation. Your teen may pick up vices such as smoking/ vaping, drinking and drugs just because his or her friends asked him or her to. Addiction to these substances can be dangerous and even deadly. So how do you protect your teen from this triple threat?
A good place to start is put yourself in your teen’s mind and try to understand why these substances may appeal to him or her.
Related: Understanding Teen Vaping & Smoking: A Parents' Guide
If your teen’s friends are interested in smoking/ vaping, drinking and drugs, they may pressure him or her to experiment with these substances. The need for acceptance and fear of being an outcast can make it extremely hard to say “no”, causing your teen to go along with what his or her friends suggested.
Some teens turn to substances to cope with stress and boredom. If your teen has been saying that he or she is bored or stressed, take heed. It may be a sign he or she is ready for anything that excites, including experimenting with harmful substances. The emotional high that comes from doing something thrilling and forbidden, especially in a group setting, can be just as attractive as the physiological high that these substances produce.
The National Council Against Drug Abuse’s Perception Survey reveals that Singapore youths display more liberal attitudes towards drugs, and many do not fully understand the danger of drugs such as cannabis. Therefore, do not assume your teen knows the dangers and health hazards that these substances pose. Out of curiosity, they may feel that trying it once or twice for fun is no big deal, until they become addicted.
Some teenagers want to look and feel grown up and may see drinking and smoking/ vaping as marks of adulthood. Perhaps your teen is modelling his or her behaviour after his or her favourite celebrities, personalities or grown ups around them and think that he or she can be as cool as them.
Sometimes kids know how to push your buttons, whether it is to get back at you or to get your attention. Picking up vices such as smoking/ vaping, drinking and doing drugs is a surefire way to upset you and have your attention.
Related: Help Your Child Cope with Puberty and Self-esteem
Your child will be forging his or her own identity during the teenage years. However, teens still look for parents and other adult influencers, such as teachers for guidance. Here’s what you can do to steer your teen away from harmful substances.
Do you know the dangers of tobacco, the effects of alcohol and how drugs can be deadly [1]? Stay updated with the latest knowledge so that you can identify tell-tale signs should your child dabble in substances. It’s wise to engage your teen early, before he or she start experimenting with this triple threat. If you are not sure how to bring up the topic, check out useful tips on how to talk to your child about smoking and drinking, and tap on the preventive drug education resources [2] from the Central Narcotics Bureau for more ideas. You can also enlighten your child about the harms of vaping.
Related: Debunking Myths about Drug addiction
Show interest in what your child is reading or buying online. Pay attention to their emotions and the kind of influence their peers may have on him or her. Should the opportunity arise, talk to your children about choosing the right friends and emphasise that participating in harmful activities such as substance abuse is not the right way to fit in. Encourage them to join healthy group activities to widen their social circle and boost their self-esteem.
Conversations about substance abuse need not be heavy-duty talks. Find teachable moments such as when you come across relevant news reports or when there are people smoking around you and your child. Use these opportunities to find out what your child knows about substance abuse and thinks about it. Listen with an open mind and guide him or her to his own conclusions about the negative consequences.
Your kids will take reference from your behaviour than merely do what you say. Parents who use alcohol and tobacco can send the wrong message to children and lead them to think that substance use is not harmful. Evaluate how you would like your child to cope with the challenges in life and align your behaviour accordingly.
If you discover your teenager is already into these vices, stay calm! Find an opportunity to speak to him or her about it to understand his or her motivations. If your teen feels that his or her views and needs are valued and heard, he or she is more willing to take your advice to quit. Help him or her come up with a quit plan and support him or her in the quit journey.
Visit Parent Hub, for more useful tips and guides to give your child a healthy start.
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This article was last reviewed on 31 Mar 2023
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