Baby's first tooth may cause discomfort so what can mummy and daddy do for baby?
Teething is an exciting period for mummy and daddy: your little one will soon have his first set of pearly whites!
Most babies get their first tooth at about 6 months old—some get it earlier, some later. In some cases, babies may start sprouting their first tooth as early as 3 months old or as late as 12 months old.
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Genetics play a big part in teething, so ask grandpa and grandma when your teeth first started popping to get a rough idea when your child’s first tooth might emerge.
Teething can cause discomfort in your baby, and he may cry more than usual, refuse to eat or experience loss of appetite, be more irritable than usual, or have trouble sleeping at night. Other signs to look out for are swollen, red gums and excessive drooling.
Here’s what you can do to reduce teething discomfort:
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Babies grow new teeth about every 4 to 6 months, starting from the middle teeth (central incisors) and gradually working their way to the back of the mouth where the molars are. The last baby molar usually emerges by the time your child turns 3.
Your baby may not experience teething pain each time a new tooth erupts—good news for mummy and daddy!
Visit Parent Hub, for more useful tips and guides to give your baby a healthy start.
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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