The use of harmful products such as Illegal sexual enhancement medicines can be fatal to the health.
As man ages, health problems become more common. Sometimes the problem might be something you would never have expected, like erectile dysfunction. If afflicted with this condition, you might feel embarrassed and be reluctant to consult a doctor. Instead, you might turn to the Internet or street peddlers for products touted to improve your sexual health significantly.
Products obtained from sources online, back-alley dealers or makeshift stalls sellers are usually of dubious origins. Their authenticity, contents, efficacy, safety and quality cannot be vouched for. Dangers abound when using these illegal products, and you are risking your life and health for that moment of pleasure.
In Singapore, medicines to treat erectile dysfunction are prescription-only medicines as they contain potent chemicals and might not be suitable for anyone.
Make the correct choice, see your doctor and do not buy illegal sexual enhancement products from dubious sources. It could save your life.
In April 2008, a non-diabetic 49-year-old male was admitted to the hospital unconscious and exhibiting fits and stroke-like symptoms. He had to be treated in the Intensive Care Unit, and it was reported that he had been consuming a counterfeit version of erectile dysfunction drug Cialis. Glibenclamide (a diabetic medicine) was detected in both the patient’s blood and urine. He passed away two weeks later due to infection in the bloodstream, anaemia and a drop in immunity.
A non-diabetic 73-year-old male was found unconscious by his family members in May 2008 and sent to the hospital. He was found to have a low blood sugar level of 1.7mmol/L as well as high blood pressure. His family found the sexual enhancement product "中华牛鞭" (Zhong Hua Niu Bian) in his drawer and reported that he had been making calls to obtain illegal pills. Glibenclamide was detected in his blood, and he suffered from a stroke that left him paralysed on one side of his body.
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This article was last reviewed on 22 Dec 2021
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