Let's get moving together anytime, anywhere! Read on to find out more
Physical activity not only helps you look and feel good, it also gives you more energy to enjoy a healthy life! Simple activities like doing household chores or taking the stairs instead of the lift are a good start. For a healthier you, aim for at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity and 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity every week.
Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and enhance your quality of life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for noncommunicable diseases mortality. People who are insufficiently active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active.
According to the 2023 National Population Health Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, 21.5% of Singaporeans have insufficient total physical activity, which includes physical activity at work, commuting and leisure-time physical activity.
In general, there are four fitness components one should aim to work on:
Aerobic fitness: Aerobic activities build our stamina so we can sustain physical activities that increase our heart rate and breathing. Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling.
Strength: Strength training involves physical movements in which we use our bodyweight or external resistance (e.g. dumbbell, kettlebell, resistance band) to build muscle mass, strength and endurance.
Balance: Balance is the ability to maintain control of our body's position whether stationary or while in motion. Balance is essential for us move through day-to-day activities safely.
Flexibility: Being flexible means we’re able to move our joints effectively through their full range of motion. Doing flexibility exercises like stretches can help us stay mobile as we grow older.
Physical activity can be performed anytime, anywhere, whether you are at work or home, while commuting or during your leisure time.
Check out these workout guides to get started on a more active lifestyle.
You can also download and design your own exercise routine with physical activities that fit your lifestyle best.
Learn more about the types of physical activity and find out how you can make the most out of it
Remember, some physical activity is better than none at all! Take small steps to get started and challenge yourself by gradually increasing your exercise frequency and intensity.
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This article was last reviewed on 08 Mar 2023
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