Tips on how to manage any pregnancy concerns and get ready for your baby
As your estimated date of delivery (EDD) approaches, you may feel yourself getting more anxious about the upcoming birth. At week 34, it's important to relax and get enough rest at this stage of your pregnancy. Here are five tips on how you can be recharged and ready for your little one's arrival:
Don't keep your worries to yourself. Talk to your doctor about your fears, how you feel about the progress of your pregnancy and any unusual symptoms you may be experiencing. Don't spend your time looking up worrying information online and self-diagnosing. Talking through your anxieties helps you to be mentally relaxed when labour arrives.
These classes will help prepare you for the delivery process. You'll learn useful information such as relaxation techniques to ease pain during the labour. You'll also meet other mums-to-be at the class and be able to give each other support throughout this journey.
Another good place to meet mums-to-be is online, in mothers' groups that you may be able to find. These groups sometimes organise meet-ups so you can make friends with other expectant mums and share your stories and concerns.
Your belly is getting bigger and heavier and you'll definitely feel more tired. Get your partner to help you with heavy-duty chores such as housework or grocery shopping. Having said that, you should still try to get some activity in and avoid lying down for long periods!
See which position feels most comfortable and accommodates your growing belly. Avoid lying flat on your back for long periods of time as this may decrease the blood circulation to your baby. If you feel like lying on your back, prop your upper body with pillows. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a day so you'll feel well rested and less fatigued. If you're experiencing insomnia, try to take frequent naps throughout the day to recharge and rejuvenate.
Try to enjoy this last leg of pregnancy with activities that relax you, for example, swimming or listening to soothing music. Your little one may be listening in too!
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Read these next
The New Art and Science of Pregnancy and Childbirth 2008, World Scientific
Healthy Start for your Pregnancy 2012, Health Promotion Board Singapore
This article was last reviewed on 28 Jun 2021
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