Quitting smoking prolongs your lifespan. Let's start now!
Former smokers live longer than continuing smokers. Quitting smoking has major and immediate health benefits for all, with or without smoking-related diseases, and regardless of gender and age.
For a start, smoking cessation decreases the risks of many types of strokes, cancers, heart attacks and chronic lung diseases within one short year. Women who stop smoking before pregnancy or in their first trimester reduce their risks of birth complications to that of non-smokers.
So why not quit today?
Health benefits of quitting | |
Within 8 Hours |
Within 48 Hours |
Within 72 Hours |
Within 3 Months |
Within 1 Year |
Within 10 Years |
Join the
I Quit Programme and remain smoke free for 28 days and you are 5 times more likely to quit smoking. You can nominate your loved ones as a supporter when you sign up for the programme. Validate your smoke-free status and redeem a HPB eVoucher* worth $50 at the 28th day milestone. Keep going and you'll also receive eVouchers* worth $30 and $20 at the 3rd month and 6th month milestone respectively!
Read these next:
This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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