Ever wondered what goodness is in a banana? Other than being rich in vitamin B6, bananas are a good source of vitamin C, dietary fibre and manganese.

Bananas are also fat-free, cholesterol-free and virtually sodium-free. So what do these mean for your health?

Ms Peggy Tan, Dietitian, Tiong Bahru Community Health Centre explains why bananas are good for you and when you should eat them.

Related: Fruits and Veggies

Health Benefits of Bananas


Bananas are One of the Best Fruit Sources of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by your body and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs.

Vitamin B6 helps your body:

  • produce red blood cells,
  • metabolise carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy,
  • metabolise amino acids,
  • remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys, and
  • maintain a healthy nervous system.

Vitamin B6 is also good for pregnant women as it helps meet their baby’s development needs.

Bananas are Respectable Sources of Vitamin C

You may not associate bananas with vitamin C but a medium-sized banana will provide about 10% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Vitamin C helps:

  • protect your body against cell and tissue damage,
  • your body absorb iron better,
  • your body produce collagen—the protein which holds your skin, bones and body together, and
  • support brain health by producing serotonin, a hormone that affects our sleep cycle, moods, and experiences of stress and pain.

Continue reading to find out the rest of the health benefits of bananas.

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