Change is inevitable. How do we deal with major life changes and not feel overwhelmed or stressed out?
It’s been said that the only thing constant in life is change. People change, circumstances change, things change. Change can be small, big, subtle or sudden. Sometimes it’s a breeze, other times it’s a painful process.
Change may be a choice we make, or it may be imposed on us. A new job, getting married, starting a family, moving house — these are examples of life changes we may experience. Some people view change as a positive challenge; others fret and agonize over the consequences of new situations. Few of us deal with change without feeling unruffled, so here are some tips on dealing with change more effectively.
Change involves a transition from one set of circumstances to another. Give yourself time to adjust and settle down.
Emotions will be stirred up when you feel overwhelmed. Let yourself laugh, cry or feel moody about it. Change often involves a degree of loss, so it’s OK to grieve a little and feel nostalgic.
Change happens. That’s life. It’s got nothing to do with you. Don’t obsess over who’s to blame or why it happened.
Don’t resist or be too rigid. Be flexible, ride out the storm, and see how things turn out.
Talk to your friends and family. Share your problems with people you trust. Others may offer a different angle to the situation, which might help you make better decisions.
Related: Building a Supportive Network of Family and Friends
If you keep looking at the bad side of things, you might miss the good. The glass is also half full, remember?
A large problem will seem less insurmountable when divided into little ones. Work on them one at a time, and give yourself a pat on the back each time you overcome one.
With new experiences, we grow wiser and stronger. Wisdom helps us make better decisions in future.
It’s important to have a personal life to fall back on to help you through tough times. Take time to be with your friends and family when you feel overwhelmed.
No matter how big or difficult, change comes to an end when the new circumstances are in place and become familiar. Normality will return. Keep this in mind.
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This article was last reviewed on 21 Dec 2021
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