There’s never been a better time to master the art of telecommuting and that includes taking care of your health while working from home (WFH).
Self-care is an important aspect of our telecommuting lifestyle. It is arguably even more important for us to take better care of ourselves when we’re working from home.
In the office, we move about a little more – we walk to the pantry, washroom and meeting rooms. When the physical spaces for work and home are distinct, it’s also easier for us to ‘switch off from work’ once we have arrived home.
On the other hand, when we WFH, we may end up sitting in front of the computer for eight hours straight. We forget to stretch our legs and incorporate other healthy habits into our new WFH routine. Some of us might even find it difficult to stop thinking about work as the line between work and home is blurred.
What can you do to take better care of yourself? Here’s how you can start a healthy WFH routine and boost your health in little ways throughout the day.
Whenever we go through life changes, whether a new job, a new baby or, in this case, a new workplace, we need to make some changes. We have to adapt to accommodate what’s new. A new routine that takes into account these changes, one that’s healthy from the get-go, will help us to thrive as telecommuters.
Creating a new routine starts with a schedule. Take some moments to plan a simple schedule that includes time for:
Make your schedule as consistent as possible. Sleeping and waking times should be regular. Exercising, too. Check out our recommended workout routines - you'll definitely find one you enjoy!
Also, carve out family time and work time clearly. This will help you to “switch off” from work and vice-versa. Slot in time for relaxing and socialising, too, to give your mental well-being a little boost from time to time.
Having a routine makes us more efficient and creates structure in our lives, helping us to get more comfortable and familiar with what we have to do each day.
Working from home gives you the opportunity to work out from home too. Now that you don’t have to commute, you’ve got a couple of extra hours every day to do some solid regular sessions at home!
One of the best parts about exercising at home is that you don’t have to lug your exercise barang to work. All you have to do is put on your gear and you’re ready to roll. And when you’re done, you can cool down and step straight into your shower.
Slip into something that’s comfortable. If you enjoy dressing up just like you would if you were headed to the gym, go ahead. If you prefer to burn calories in a tee and shorts, that’s just as sweet. Either way, safety comes first! And that includes your workout area. Choose a space that’s safe and sufficiently spacious. Remove anything that might be a hazard like wires on the ground or a small stool that’s in the way to prevent injuries.
The trick to exercising regularly is to make workouts enjoyable so they don’t feel like work. We instinctively do more of the things we like – things that are enjoyable and give us pleasure.
A way to make this more fun and interesting would be to do it together with a family member so that you can encourage each other. When you exercise together, you’ll hardly notice the time passing as you burn calories, get your heart pumping and egg each other on. More of a music lover? Turn the music up and move to the groove. As you gradually get into the groove, you’ll be feeling pumped up and happy.
Doing a workout routine that you enjoy makes a big difference as well. Some of us prefer HIIT workout, while others like dancing, lifting weights and holding yoga poses. There are many types of exercises you can do at home, from HIIT circuits to cardio-dances, pilates and even kickboxing. Working up a sweat can be very enjoyable! If you’re not sure where to start, check out HPB's Start2Move exercise guide and try out new basic exercises every week.
Healthy, nutrient-packed food boosts your energy levels. Junk, unhealthy food has the opposite effect and makes us feel sluggish. Make eating healthy meals a part of your new WFH routine.
One sure-fire way to have healthy meals is to cook them yourself! As the executive chef or chef de cuisine of your kitchen, you have complete control over the ingredients, cooking methods and portions.
Need a dash of inspiration? Check out these mouth-watering recipes. Need a refresher on how much protein, veggies and carbs per meal? Use My Healthy Plate. Looking for healthier ingredients? Select products with the Healthier Choice Symbols when you shop.
Before you put on your apron and run off to the kitchen with the gusto of a gourmet chef, here’s one more bit of advice – eat a variety of food in the right portions to reap the maximum nutrients from them.
There’s one more upside to eating balanced, nutritious meals – you’ll have fewer cravings! Unhealthy snacks can tip the scales, turning your healthy diet into an unhealthy one. When you feel peckish, grab a healthy snack!
Fruits are a fantastic choice. They’re packed with all sorts of stuff that’s good for you, from minerals to vitamins and fibre. When it comes to fruit, go for variety – the more colours the better. Prefer a crunchy snack? Have a handful of nuts. They contain healthy unsaturated fats and, like fruits, are packed with vitamins and minerals.
When your workspace is at home, you might find yourself working way past your bedtime, even though you only intended to reply to “just one more email”.
A bedtime routine can help! Set a time to start preparing for bed every night. When the clock strikes, stop whatever you’re doing and start winding down. Turn down the lights, switch off the computer, take a warm shower and listen to relaxing music or read a book. A consistent routine can signal your body to sleep at the same time daily.
Aim for about 7-9 hours of sleep every night so you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and recharged. When we’re deprived of sleep, we have difficulty concentrating, we’re sluggish and we make more impulsive decisions. We’re also more easily annoyed and more prone to negative thoughts.
Sometimes life does get in the way. A crying baby, a last-minute report, a spouse in need of a listening ear might make us push past our bedtimes. When those things happen, here’s what you can do – take a 20-minute power nap during lunch the next day. A short nap can give you a burst of alertness and boost your energy levels.
Now that you have a new routine with blocks of time for exercise, healthy meals and quality sleep, incorporate some healthy habits throughout the day.
Being sedentary or sitting for long hours in front of the computer every day can affect your health. High levels of sedentary behaviour may increase your risk of chronic conditions like cardiovascular diseases and Type-2 Diabetes.
Getting up to move and stretch every now and then not only helps to break up sedentary time, but also relief some tension built up from straining your back and neck.
Try to take a break every 30 minutes to 1 hour. Stand and stretch for 1 to 3 minutes. You can also use these exercises to release tension. If you’re in video calls all day, there are subtle exercises and stretches that are perfect like tilting your head from side-to-side to stretch your neck, shoulder shrugs, or even calf raises.
Better still, design your workspace to encourage micro-movements. For example, place files that you’ll need at the opposite end of your workspace so you’ll need to stretch or take a few steps to get hold of them. Deliberately put some distance between yourself and the printer. Be creative! Come up with as many little ways to get yourself releasing work tension throughout the day. You’ll also end up with a better night’s sleep!
In place of face-to-face meetings, we video call when we telecommute. If you’re wondering whether the prolonged screen time may be tiring for your eyes, the answer is “Yes!” which is why self-care is so important when we WFH.
If you’ve got the air-conditioning turned on or the fan blowing right at you, it can cause eye dryness which adds to eye strain.
Here’s an eye-care routine you can try out:
A pair of well-cared-for eyes makes a happy telecommuter!
Another way to take good care of yourself while WFH is to stay hydrated. Drink at least six to eight glasses a day – that’s what your body requires for essential body functions like digestion and circulating oxygen.
Do we need to drink that much water? The short answer is: “Yes, we do!” Up to 60% of the adult human body is made of water. Our vital organs such as the brain, heart and lungs are made up of even higher percentages of water.
Being home means you can do some fun, creative things like jazz up your H2O. Sprigs of mint, animal-shaped ice cubes or frozen fruits are just some of the things you can add to make drinking water a treat for yourself and your family.
Working from home has its upsides but it can get lonely, especially if there’s no one to connect with at home. For most of us, work provides a social environment. When we telecommute, we become aware that we no longer have colleagues readily available for a warm “hello” or a quick chat.
If your job requires you to fully telecommute, try these tips to stay connected with your team members. Reach out. Be that person that texts the other people in the team to say “hi”. Start new rituals like saying “good morning” every day via text. Organise a team lunch over video chat so you can eat together like how you might if you get to work together in-person. Invite your workmate to a video tea break to catch up on work and exchange WFH tips. Whatever it is, don’t stay isolated and lonely.
Carve out time to connect and make it work with a bit of help from technology!
The more entrenched our healthy routine, the more our health is on autopilot. Sufficient sleep, a healthy diet and regular exercises help us to stay positive and feel more energetic in the face of challenges.
Throughout the day, small acts of self-care will make you a happier telecommuter. Pamper your eyes, stay hydrated, make sure you are seated comfortably and stretch often. And whenever you feel isolated or lonely, reach out.
This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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