How can you balance healthier eating priorities and still enjoy this festive period? Learn how to sail through this festive session and stay in shape for the coming year
In your weight management efforts to achieve/maintain a healthier body mass index (BMI), you may think that indulging in food and drinks during the Christmas and New Year season may not seem like such a big deal as they only come once a year. However, you should still practise the principles of healthier eating to reduce the risk of unwanted weight gain. Listed below are some tips to help you stay in shape during this festive season.
Fill up beforehand
Avoid going to a party on an empty stomach. Before leaving the house, eat a high-fibre snack such as a fruit or a few pieces of wheat crackers to help curb your appetite, and prevent over-eating.
Eat slowly
The brain takes about 20 minutes to register fullness. Therefore, enjoy your meals by savouring the flavour of each bite.
Remember your 2 + 2
Most fruit and vegetables are naturally low in fat and high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. Start your meals with a generous helping of fresh salad dressed with lemon juice and a little drizzle of olive oil instead of creamy dressings. Opt for fresh fruit for dessert.
Go easy on fat
Over consumption of fat may lead to weight gain. Limit your consumption of cream based food (e.g. cream based pasta), food with cheese as part of the main ingredients (e.g. cheese macaroni), deep fried food (e.g. breaded food and fritters) as well as poultry skin and visible fat on meat.
Portion Control
Focus on the quality and not the quantity of food. Hence, you need not deprive yourself of your favourite food. Eat small amounts of it and avoid going for seconds. If you think this is not an option, go easy on your desserts or other mains. You can also try using smaller serving dishes to eat so the food looks abundant on your plate.
Limit your alcohol and sweetened beverage intake
Many people do not realise that consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or sweetened beverages may lead to weight gain. Therefore you may want to limit your intake of such beverages. Here are some tips to help you do that.
This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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