Care planning involves discussing with your loved one how they would like to be cared for as they age. It is a delicate and necessary senior health topic.
We may take our ability to understand information, use the information to make decisions, and be able to communicate decisions, for granted when we are well. But there may come a time when your loved one no longer has the mental capacity make decisions for themselves, due to health conditions or other circumstances - where they are no longer able to tell you "yes" or "no" to what they want or don't want.
A loss of mental capacity can result from health conditions such as stroke, dementia, coma, or head trauma due to an accident.
While your loved one still has mental capacity, you can start a conversation with them to make arrangements for when they no longer have mental capacity, or when they have passed on.
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a process of planning for your future healthcare needs. It includes discussing your personal beliefs and goals for care with your loved ones and healthcare providers.
Making decisions about your healthcare is not always just a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. This process gets harder should your loved one be unable to understand or communicate their choices.
Exploring this senior health topic now means that these choices are no longer left unspoken or unclear.
It will give you the confidence to make clearer choices for them during a difficult time.
To learn more, visit the Agency of Integrated Care website.
A Lasting Power of Attorney gives you legal powers to make decisions for your loved ones when they can no longer do so. This includes decisions on their personal welfare, property, and affairs.
Without an LPA, you will need a court order to carry out the wishes and affairs of a loved one. The process can be costly and time-consuming. Discuss appointing an LPA as part of care planning.
To learn more, visit the Office of the Public Guardian website.
If your loved one suffers a grave illness that is incurable and likely to lead to their passing, an Advance Medical Directive makes a legal record that your loved one would not want excessive treatment just to keep them alive.
AMD is part of care planning and it can help guide doctors to let your loved one pass on with dignity.
To learn more, visit the Ministry of Health website.
A will documents how your loved one would like to distribute their money and possessions (also called their estate) after they have passed on.
Upon death, you and your family can apply to the Courts for a Grant of Probate to distribute the estate according to the will. If no will is made, the estate will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act or Inheritance Certificate (for Muslims).
Money from CPF does not form part of your loved one’s estate – this protects the fund from creditors and allows it to go directly to your loved one’s beneficiaries.
CPF nomination is free of charge. Upon death, the CPF monies may be paid out via cash or cheque.
If no CPF nomination is made, you and your family may apply to the Public Trustee’s Office to distribute the CPF monies, for a fee.
To learn more, visit the
CPF Website.
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This article was last reviewed on 01 Jul 2022
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