Children look up to their dads. Be there for your little one
Singaporean fathers are important people. That is what the Public Perception Survey on Fatherhood in 2009 found. At least 97% of Singaporeans believe that fathers play a valuable part in their children’s lives.
The survey was commissioned by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, with more than 2,000 respondents. It also found that:
As a father, you play a unique role in your child’s life and you make a significant difference in shaping his self-esteem, character and values.
Fathers have a huge impact on their children’s psycho-social development. Fathers who spend time with their children provide a sense of security and authority to the family. Children look to their fathers for comfort and assurance whenever they feel insecure or uncertain. Thus, it is important for fathers to make time for their young children and learn to interact positively with them. The more time they can spend with their children, the bigger the impact on their children’s lives.
Other studies show that when a child develops an attachment to the father, he will feel emotionally secure, confident to explore his surrounding and have better social connection with their peers as he becomes older. That’s not all. Play makes learning fun and inspiring for children. The way fathers play with their children has an important impact on their children’s cognitive, emotional and social development. Children with an involved, nurturing and playful father have better educational outcomes and are better able to regulate their emotions and behaviour.
The father’s role is significant and beneficial, not just to his children, but to himself too. Research suggested that men who are fathers are more satisfied with their marriage and have closer relationships with their children. They are also more connected and are able to cope with work-related stresses better.
Fathers tend to challenge their children to explore, learn new experiences and be more independent. As a result, children learn to build self-confidence and develop their problem-solving skills during their growing years, which is critical to their mastery of new skills and building of their self-esteem. On the contrary, fathers who discourage their children or impose their will on their children may hamper their children’s creativity, motivation and problem-solving skills.
Related: Building Resilience In Your Child
Even as your wife is preoccupied with caring for your baby and has no time for you, do not be discouraged. Now is the time for you to build that special baby and dad bond. At the same time, pamper yourself a little more by exercising, relaxing and reflecting. A happier you will translate into positive vibes for the family.
Show care for your baby by learning how to change his diaper; give him a bath; comfort him when he is fretful. It gets easier once you have done this a few times.
After work, put your baby in a pram and take him for a walk. Alternatively, you can read to him which is a good start to foster a reading habit. Spending more time with your baby is important, so if need be, review the extra time spent at work and your own favourite pastime. Your presence with your baby matters and will contribute towards his overall well-being.
Your wife may get upset easily and your baby may need more attention. It is important to stay calm and be the pillar of strength so that you can make good decisions for your family.
If your wife criticises you for the way you hold your baby, or the way you fold his clothes or his nappies, do not be discouraged or upset. Instead, assure her that you can do it and that you will get better with more practice. In fact, tell her to trust you to do the best you can for your baby.
Related: Parenting Together - Partners in Love
Encourage your wife as she may be easily distressed over your baby and breastfeeding after birth. Help her find ways to get comfortable. Get her some healthy snacks, books to read or even pop in her favourite DVDs so that she can relax while she breastfeeds. If your wife is expressing milk for your baby, you may want to take over the feeding of the baby. You can bond with your baby and give your wife her much needed rest.
Cuddle up with your baby whenever you have the chance, so that you strengthen the bond between the two of you.
Your child’s personality, gifts and talents are unique to himself. Affirm your child and he will believe in himself, thereby cultivating a healthy self-image.
Your child will look up to you; so be a role model of healthy lifestyle habits for him. Your positive attitude will rub off on him and he will better relate with others as he grows.
Once your child is out of babyhood, you can bond even more with him. Do this:
Related: Daddy Know-how
"Becoming a father has made me realise I need to take better care of my own health as I am now a primary influence on my child. For example, I have started eating more vegetables, which I didn’t like, to influence my daughter into eating them. She also feeds me corn, which is her personal favourite food. I can’t reject her as it is out of love that she has offered me!" -- Low Young Fei, 30 years old, father to Emma Low, 2.
"I was at the playground with my son when he scrambled up a rock-climbing wall. The other parents were impressed at how brave he was because he was among the youngest kid there. I was really proud because I'm glad I've raised a boy who has the confidence to try new things." -- Zhang Jin Hui, 33 years old, father to Zheng Jie, 3.
"I play badminton with my three girls regularly and it's a great bonding activity for us. I still play ‘catching’ with them – except they outrun me now! Other than the physical fun, fathers have an even more important role to play in developing their daughters’ emotional health. Inculcating good values and beliefs from young will affect their behaviour in future. The anchor lies in building trust. It's all about being authentic and sincere when my wife and I communicate with our children. They learn by watching their parents." -- Ng Sua Keong, 40 years old, father to E-dyl,16, K-cia, 14, and J-cyn, 12.
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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