Stress in your life can take on many forms. Even happy events such as weddings or career advancement can be sources of stress. Why not try some stress management techniques to handle stressful situations better? Deep breathing exercises can help you focus and calm your mind, while guided imagery and muscle relaxation techniques can relieve tension and reduce stress.
Stress is a word we hear a lot but no one really stops to think what it really means to them. That’s because everyone is too busy being stressed! Whether it’s having too much stuff going on at the same time, relationship issues, deadlines to meet… stress in your life can take on many forms.
However, stress isn’t all bad. It can keep us on our toes and help us be more focused, but only if we do not let it get the better of us. It only becomes a problem when we feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety and cannot manage it.
When we're caught up in stressful situations, like "chiong-ing" (rushing) for deadlines, preparing for a big presentation, or helping our kids with their impossible maths homework, we may not even realise that we're stressed.
At times like these, it's good to take a step back to check your stress levels.
Listen to your body for signs of stress like tense muscles and a fast heartbeat. If you are experiencing stress, your heart rate will increase. And pay attention to your thoughts: are you worried, or thinking negatively? (Here are some examples of negative thoughts: "Oh no! Boss is going to kill me if I don't finish!", or "I can't do this, it's too hard!"). These thoughts are often unhelpful and can increase stress.
Relieving stress helps you gain clarity of mind so you can better manage the stressful situation or solve your problem, instead of worrying about how much there is to do, or how difficult the task is.
Related: Signs of Stress: Could Stress Be Good for You?
But there are ways you can manage your stress and improve your mood:
Sleep does more than just rest your body. Sleep has been proven to help your mind align its thoughts better. For adults, aim for about 7 hours of sleep a night. With enough sleep, you will be able to concentrate better and be more productive in the day, allowing you to cope more effectively with stressful situations.
Occasionally, try and sneak in a power nap during the day. You’ll feel refreshed after a 20-minute snooze. A short 20-minute nap can help you "reset" so you feel more energised and alert. Taking naps also improves thinking skills[1], which means you focus and process information better — napping might give you the inspiration to finish that report you were stuck on!
On the flip side, you can dump stress by getting your heart pumping. Exercise does wonders for our physical and mental health. When your body starts moving, it starts to fill your system with endorphins. This allows you to feel less tensed and more relaxed, and deal with your stress better. So grab your phone and plug in to your favourite songs and go for a brisk walk around your neighbourhood, hit a few tennis balls, or indulge in your favourite sport.
You can also manage stress better in the long run by making exercise a daily habit: aim for 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
Related: Types of Physical Activities
Getting a slight headache from the stress? Feeling stiffness in your shoulders? Why not learn some stress reduction techniques? Deep breathing exercises that help you focus on your breathing, mental relaxation exercises like guided imagery and meditation, and muscle relaxation techniques are helpful in relieving stress. Try these simple progressive muscle relaxation exercises to diffuse the muscle tension.
Maybe what you need is a musical break! Whether it’s something loud and heavy, or soft and quiet, what really matters is that it allows you to take a short break. And once you’ve got it all out of your system, you’re more than ready to go back to tackling your issues armed with a cheery and determined attitude.
Set up your own positive playlist or start groovin’ with your favourite tunes.
Sometimes, we all need to let out our feelings, and talking to friends or family who are willing and available can be helpful. They may have faced similar challenges and could offer valuable advice or perspective. Sharing your concerns with trusted people not only lightens your emotional load but also helps you see your situation from a different angle. Your loved ones can provide support, encouragement, and a sense of connection that strengthens your ability to cope with stress. Reaching out to someone with a positive and balanced outlook might be easier than you think — and it can make a meaningful difference.
Transitions can also be sources of stress. Give yourself time to adjust from one change to another. For example, try to space out major events such as getting married, changing jobs, and moving houses as much as possible to give yourself some time to manage and adjust to different changes in your life.
Being more organised and planning in advance can help reduce stress. It gives you an overview of your responsibilities and helps you identify the tasks needed to meet your goals. At work, you could plan your day and a make a to-do list. At home, you could have a calendar to mark out family weekends and activities.
Set realistic and achievable goals for yourself so that you do not become frustrated or discouraged. Goal-setting is also a good way to get yourself started on organising and planning your time!
Related: Undergoing Transitions
Try reframing stressful situations with a growth mindset. By viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, you can shift your perspective and approach them with more resilience. Instead of focusing on the difficulty, consider how the experience might help you develop new skills or discover strengths you didn’t know you had.
Related: 12 Ways to Spruce Up Your Health at Home
Set aside some time for yourself regularly. It could be a few hours during the weekend or at night. Spend the time doing activities that you really enjoy, be it indoor pastimes like reading or watching a movie, or outdoor activities like cycling or hiking.
Take the initiative to organise a family outing or a gathering with friends every once in a while. Spending time with people you enjoy being with helps take your mind away from stress. More importantly, having a good relationship with your family and friends also means that you have support in times of distress! Learn more about building relationships with your family and friends.
Related: Where to go in Singapore: Adventure Time!
Maintain a balanced diet based on the guidelines provided by My Healthy Plate. Eating healthy will provide your body with adequate vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system, keeping you strong and healthy. A healthy and balanced diet will also ensure that you have sufficient nourishment to sustain your energy throughout the day!
Nuts are high in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce the mood stabiliser, serotonin. Research has shown that people who eat more tryptophan become more calm and pleasant.
The next time you're feeling kan cheong and frazzled, try munching on a handful of nuts and seeds to calm yourself down, whether its old school kacang puteh from the pasar malam, or a bag of sunflower seeds from the supermarket.
Other foods that are high in tryptophan include turkey, oats, beans, tofu, fish, and egg. Why not order sliced fish and tofu soup for lunch the next time you're feeling anxious?
Note: Eat in moderation (e.g. limit yourself to one small handful of nuts per day to avoid loading up on calories). Remember not to turn food into a coping mechanism — be aware of what and how much you're eating, instead of munching mindlessly.
Related: Makan Matters: What‘s a Balanced Diet?
Focus and find your inner peace by listening to relaxing music or nature sounds. Calming music and soothing sounds like crashing waves, chirping birds, and the pitter-patter of raindrops can help you to relax and focus better.
You'll find plenty of calming soundtracks online for free!
Break out of negative, stressful thoughts and focus on the positives by taking five minutes to write down the things you're thankful for today.
These could be anything: your co-worker for buying bananas for the pantry, the bus driver for getting you to work on time, your Pa for his advice and (loving) nagging...
Make positive-thinking and thankfulness a daily habit by keeping a gratitude journal[2].
Visit MindSG for more tools to take care of your mental well-being.
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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