An old classic with a mode​rn twist


  • 2 whole egg
  • 4 egg whites
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 tsp ginger juices


  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries (cut to quarters)
  • 1 cup honey dew balls or blueberries


  1. Combine the egg and egg white together in a whisking bowl and whisk well.
  2. Add in the milk and ginger juices to the egg mix.
  3. Strain mixture through a fine sieve into a jar.
  4. Pour egg mix into the small bowl to 4/5 full.
  5. Cover the bowl with aluminium foil and steam for 8 to 10min.
  6. Test if egg mixture is cooked by inserting a satay stick. If the stick comes out clean the mixture is ready.
  7. Serve warm or chilled with the honey and fruit toppings.

Nutrition Tips

  •  Steaming is a healthy and low-fat cooking method that brings out the flavours of fresh ingredients.
  •  Substitute whole egg with egg white to reduce cholesterol intake.
  •  Milk & dairy products provide calcium for strong teeth and bone.