The lack of insufficient outdoor activity among children could be one reason for high rates of myopia. According to a 2018 study, kids in Singapore only spend 3.1 hours a week outdoors as compared to children in Sydney who spend 13.8 hours.
Limit or reduce your child's screen time and take them outdoors. Here are some ways on how you can get started on outdoor activities for your child.

Related: 9 Health Hazards of Electronic Devices for Kids

Have a conversation with your child, discover what your child enjoys. Bond together through physical activities!

Engage in some fun outdoor activities on the beach.

Get started by going on a simple outdoor activity that allows for conversations to take place while doing the activity! Sandcastle-building is one such activity! You can head down to Castle Beach at East Coast Park (Near Carpark E2) on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Sandcastle building kits are available for sale there.

With the constant running to and from the water’s edge to get buckets of water for the sandcastle’s moat — it’s a whole body workout! Hand-eye coordination is also enhanced through the use of the sandcastle building tools like shovels and chiselling sticks. You can also ask your child what aspects of the activity he/ she likes and then encourage your child try out other activities incorporating these aspects at another time.

Related: 4 Trails to Hit This Weekend for a Dose of Fitness and Heritage

Try out different sport activities with HPB’s Active Family Programme and ActiveSG’s programmes

Archery is a popular activity for kids.

You can try out sports activities by signing up for complimentary parent-child events on the H365 app. Be sure to register your child on the app first.

ActiveSG also offers affordable programmes. For affordable archery programmes, search for “archery” at ActiveSG’s portal, where you can offset the cost with your ActiveSG dollars. Programmes range from three-hour basic archery classes like Archery Fun Shoot to a three-hour Archery Family Camp for one parent and one child.

Related: Is An Activity Tracker Necessary?

Keep it simple and just go for a nature walk

Going for nature walks is one of the best physical activities for the whole family.

Studies[2] have shown that taking walks in nature or exploring nature trails can improve one’s physical and emotional well-being, reduce psychological stress, depressive symptoms, build mental strength and improve sleep and vitality.

Bring your child along and start exploring the many nature trails in Singapore. Start by surrounding the young ones with the sights and sounds of the forest — the chirps of birds, the songs of the cicadas, and the rustling of leaves.

If your child can walk independently, start them on paved paths or boardwalks, such as the Chemperai Trail at MacRitchie Reservoir or the easier 600m Rain Forest Walking Trail at the Singapore Botanic Gardens.

As they get older and can look out for roots and rocks, head for the longer, wilder nature trails like the Treetop Trail (pro-tip: start from the Venus Drive carpark instead of the main MacRitchie entrance for a shorter walk) or the Wallace Trail at Dairy Farm Nature Park.

Breaking the walk up with rest stops, cold drinks and snacks will motivate them to continue walking and enjoy the great outdoors.

For more trails, visit NPark's DIY Walking Tour.

Visit Parent Hub, for more useful tips and guides to give your child a healthy start.

Visit Active Parents, for more tips and resources.

Download the HealthHub app on Google Play or Apple Store to access more health and wellness advice at your fingertips.

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  1. The Straits Times, (2013, Oct 7). Singaporeans spend $300m on glasses every year. Retrieved from
  2. Jordan, R. (2015, June 30). Stanford researchers find mental health prescription: Nature. Stanford Report.
    Retrieved from