When it comes to dental health, prevention is better than cure.
By Health Promotion Board
Brushing, flossing, cutting down on sugary foods to prevent cavities — you've done all these. This means everything is going good, right?
When it comes to dental health, prevention is better than cure.
Start young — bring your child to the dentist from the age of one, and return for regular check-ups. These check-ups are important for monitoring dental development, and also to see if your child has been practising good dental habits.
The dentist will acess your child and formulate a customised oral health home care programme based on your child's risk of developing tooth decay.
Pediatric Dentistry: Child's First Encounter
Can Adults Skip the Dentist?
It's important for kids to visit the dentist regularly… But what about adults?
We've got our permanent teeth and we brush and floss daily so we've got the good hygiene part covered. This means we don't need regular dentist visits, right?
Again, you want to take the "prevention is better than cure" approach for permanent teeth, instead of rushing to the dentist when your teeth start hurting.
Your dentist might be able to spot problems before they get too serious — you might not feel pain until the damage is done.
And even if your dentist gives your teeth a clean bill of health, you'll still be giving your teeth a good clean.
Pay your dentist regular visits. Your dentist will advise on the frequency of dental visits depending on your oral health status and to allow for early detection of dental problems.
Copyright © 2022 HealthHub.sg. All rights reserved.
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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