Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Engaging in regular exercise can reap numerous health benefits. All you have to do is to engage in at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling and at least 2 days of muscle- and bone-strengthening activities every week.

Physical Activity Is Good for Your Mental Health

Mental health goes hand in hand with physical fitness and they are interconnected. Regular exercise can not only improve your physical health but also help to elevate your mood. It is very important for you to pay attention to both your mental and physical health for a healthier you.

Physical Activity Helps You With Weight Management​​

Regular exercise can help you get rid of excess body fat. Your body burns calories as you exercise. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn! Exercise is helpful for maintaining a healthy weight.

Regular Physical Activity Keeps Your Heart, Lungs and Bones Healthy

Physical activity improves blood flow to your heart, lungs and blood vessels. Your heart muscles get stronger with regular aerobic exercise. You may also realise that you have more energy to do the things you enjoy.

In addition, regular physical activity keeps your bones and muscles strong. Activities such as resistance training work on the major muscle groups in your body, making them stronger and more resilient. Other activities, especially of weight-bearing nature (e.g., stairs-climbing, jogging), can also increase bone density which can help reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

Physical activity Makes You Feel Good

Physical activity can enhance your emotional and psychological well-being. Your body releases chemicals called endorphins when you exercise. Endorphins are "feel-good" chemicals that can uplift your mood, and even reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.

Physical Activity Keeps Diseases Away

Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of:

  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Osteoporosis

Engaging in at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity weekly can reduce your risks of developing chronic diseases and you get to enjoy a better quality of life.

Move It!

Incorporate exercises into your daily life through various physical activities. 30 minutes a day of physical activity, 5 times or more a week will do you wonders. Even if you are very busy, make time for it. Here is what you can do:

  • Dance to your favourite songs
  • Walk briskly at the park
  • Walk to work
  • Skip the elevator and take the stairs
  • Cycle to the grocery store
  • Do effortful housework like mopping
  • Do jumping jacks as you watch television

Create a regular workout routine for yourself. It can be jogging, swimming, or cycling. Try different types of exercises for variety and for the different health benefits. Exercising does not have to be a lonely activity. Get your friends to join you in some group sports, such as badminton, basketball or tennis. You can even pick up a new sport like inline skating.

Reap the Rewards of Physical Activity

Let's get moving today! Don't miss out on the excellent health benefits that regular physical activity can bring you. Whether you're planning on jogging, swimming, rollerblading, rock climbing or playing football – it does not matter. Physical activity in any form can be fun!

Gradually increase your workout intensity and remember to warm-up and cool-down to lower your risk of strains and injuries. Finally, resting is just as important as exercise! Make sure you get enough sleep so that you will be ready to tackle new challenges the next day!

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  1.  Fletcher, G. F., Balady, G., Blair, S. N., Blumenthal, J., Caspersen, C., Chaitman, B., Epstein, S., Froelicher, E. S., Froelicher, V. F., Pina, I. L., & Pollock, M. L. (1996). Statement on Exercise: Benefits and Recommendations for Physical Activity Programs for All Americans. Circulation, 94(4), 857–862. Retrieved June 2021 from