Antenatal Classes

In Hollywood movies, parents-to-be are often seen attending antenatal classes, practising “Push! Breathe! Push!”

While less common in Singapore, antenatal classes are now gaining popularity as more new parents-to-be appreciate the wealth of information they can get from these classes to prepare them for the experiences and challenges ahead.

"Antenatal classes give you the chance to meet other parents-to-be who are also going through the same experience as you."

What Will I Learn?

Classes typically cover topics such as:

Many antenatal classes conducted by hospitals for parents-to-be often include a tour of the delivery suite. The classes are also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions that may be bothering you and ease your anxieties. You may wish to check with the respective hospitals on the actual topics covered. 

What Other Benefits Are There?

Antenatal classes give you the chance to meet fellow parents-to-be who are also going through the same experiences as you. This is a great time to compare notes.

Many new mothers meet up regularly during their pregnancy and also after birth, forming support groups for mothers or play-groups for their babies.

Besides preparing you for childbirth, antenatal classes also educate you on how to feed and care for your baby. Many women find talks about successful breastfeeding and how to overcome difficulties to be extremely useful.

When Should I Sign up for a Class?

You may wish to check early with the respective hospitals for registration as some classes are very popular and may have waiting lists.

How Can I Sign Up?

There are many classes offered by restructured and private hospitals.

For contact details, read the article on Services, Support groups and Helplines (Pregnancy).

Click here to read the original article in PDF format.

Visit Parent Hub, for more useful tips and guides for a healthy pregnancy.