How does your baby develop in Week 1–12?
After the embryo has implanted in the lining of your womb, the foetal brain, lungs, central nervous and intestinal systems start to form. By the end of week six, the embryo measures about 4mm and the heart starts to beat. At this juncture, an ultrasound scan through the vagina can detect the heartbeat and confirm that the pregnancy is in the right location. The foetus is too small to be seen clearly by the abdominal scan at this stage.
You may feel fine and the first clue that you might be pregnant is usually a missed period. Some women complain of breast tenderness or tiredness. You can do a home pregnancy test and consult a doctor for confirmation at about six weeks. Let him know if you are on long-term medication or have any medical conditions.
The foetus will go through rapid growth. By week 12, most of the major organ systems would have developed and the foetus measures about 6cm from head to the buttock. The following changes are observed:
Your pregnancy hormones will start to kick in. You may experience morning sickness, breast tenderness and fatigue.
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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