Whether you’re a heavy or social smoker, quitting now will benefit your health and help you better manage your diabetes
Here are some tips:
Related: More Quit Smoking Tips
Celebrate small successes. Quitting smoking is tough, so reward yourself for your successes. Give yourself a treat each time you make it through the week without a cigarette. Count how much you’ve saved by not buying cigarettes. Each small success brings you a step nearer to your goal of quitting smoking for good. Give yourself a pat and allow yourself to feel good.
Refocus. If you do slip-up and smoke a cigarette, stay calm and don’t blame yourself or dwell on it. Move on and apply the techniques you've learnt to counter any smoking triggers, such as delay, deep breathing, drink water and distract yourself.
Join the I Quit Programme and remain smoke free for 28 days and you are 5 times more likely to quit smoking. You can nominate your loved ones as a supporter when you sign up for the programme. Validate your smoke-free status and redeem a HPB eVoucher* worth $50 at the 28th day milestone. Keep going and you'll also receive eVouchers* worth $30 and $20 at the 3rd month and 6th month milestone respectively!
*Terms and conditions apply.
Find out more about quit smoking services or call QuitLine at 1800 438 2000^.
^Kindly note that airtime charges apply for mobile calls to 1800 service lines and calls are free of charge only if made from regular land lines.
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This article was last reviewed on 22 Mar 2023
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