Dr Sadhana Chandrasekar is a senior consultant at Tan Tock Seng Hospital’s surgery and medicine departments. She specialises in vascular surgery.

My interest in vascular disease was sparked during my medical training in India, but there was no formal certification for vascular surgery. I therefore went to the UK and trained in London and Dundee in the 1990s. I came across many patients facing complications from diabetic vascular disease, and I was struck by how much of a difference I could make to their lives.

As a vascular surgeon, I help to prevent patients with vascular diseases from having to amputate a limb. After a long stint of service in the UK, I moved to Singapore three years ago. A lot of my experience in the UK translates very well to practice in Singapore. In the UK, I was on the staff of a foot clinic that also comprised endocrinologists, vascular and orthopaedic surgeons, podiatrists, diabetic nurses and a vascular technologist. This multi-disciplinary approach — together with greater awareness on the severity of diabetes-related complications — would help Singapore in its war on the disease, and help manage the population more effectively.

Outside of work, I enjoy baking. My line of work has made me conscious of the dangers of a sugar-laden diet but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying my hobby. One must be sensible about food; sweets and puddings can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. To make healthier treats, I experiment regularly with sugar-free desserts. My three sons don’t mind because they’re conscious of their diets too.
On Sunday evenings, I usually relax with a book and music. I love Western classical music, in particular, the works of Frédéric Chopin, and I share this interest with my family. We’ve enjoyed many concerts at the Singapore Botanic Gardens — I prefer listening to music in an informal setting like this. It makes classical music, often governed by rigid etiquette, more accessible.

As a family, we enjoy entertaining guests. We often host a ‘vascular dinner’ for members of the team. The house buzzes with chatter and music as people come together for a night of merriment and relaxation from the stresses of our job!