Physical activity is key to staying healthy, but exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Try these exercises and tips to kickstart great habits. 


This low-impact workout is ideal for older adults and those with joint issues​ as the water’s resistance cushions impact.


Boost your physical activity with some biking.
Suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, biking builds muscle, improves stamina and burns calories. Bike around your estate or at the nearby park connector.

Cleaning The House

Cleaning the house is a simple and effective physical activity. 
Simple household chores like sweeping and vacuuming can increase calorie burn​. Did you know that 30 minutes of washing your car is equivalent to about 30 minutes of yoga?   


Make dog-walking part of your healthy active lifestyle. 
Research has shown that dog walkers get more exercise than people who visit the gym once a week. Consider interval jogging or walking uphill with your pet, for maximum activity.


Engage in both indoor activities and outdoor activities. 
The elliptical is a mainstay in the gym for a good reason: it provides a total-body workout and is a low-impact activity. Thirty minutes on the machine will burn about 170 to 200* calories, depending on the resistance.  


Amp up your physical activity with some football.
While some may love hitting the gym alone, others may find it boring. If you prefer the company of friends, football is an exciting team sport that improves cardiovascular health and builds strength, flexibility and endurance.


Venture into your backyard for some physical activity. 
Gardening tasks can be considered moderate-intensity physical activities. Even simple tasks such as weeding ​can burn up to 100 calories* an hour. 

Heavy Calisthenics

Choose to live a healthy active lifestyle. 
This is a form of exercise that uses only the resistance of your body’s weight, which means this can be done anywhere​

Interval Training 

Combine interval training with outdoor activities to get more out of your workout. 
Alternating periods of high and low intensity activity is prove​n to burn more calories. Changing up your jogging for a
sh​ort sprint ​during your daily run can help achieve these results. It is always good to vary your exercises.


Switch up your physical activity with jiu-jitsu. 
​With regular practice, you will not only achieve a healthier weight, but also gain flexibility and strength with this self-defence system. But be warned — it’s a challenging workout!


Kayaking is one of the many outdoor activities in Singapore.
The perfect activity for nature lovers. Each stroke of the paddle incorporates every muscle in the upper body, and a person weighing 64 kilograms burns about 336 calories* an hour paddling at 3.2 kilometres per hour.   

Laser Tag

Laser tag is a fun, physical activity. 
As you dodge being ‘shot’, you can improve your balance, agility and coordination. Hauling around heavy equipment during every game also improves upper body strength. 

Mix It Up

Partake in different outdoor activities to keep your workout routine fun. 
Mixing it up will prevent burn out and allow you to work on different parts of your body. Mix and match​ strenuous activities like running with yoga to allow both your body and mind to benefit.

Nature Walks

Nature walks are one of the more common family activities in Singapore enjoyed by most residents. 
Spend a day exploring the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve or MacRitchie Reservoir. This will improve your overall fitness, have health benefits and provide positive effects for your mental health.

One Hour A Day

Just one hour of physical activity a day can make a world of difference.

All you need is an hour of exercise a day to maintain a healthy weight, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It does not even have to be an hour at the gym; it could be a relaxing bike ride​​ around your estate. 

Partner Up

Stick to a healthy and active lifestyle more easily with an exercise partner. 
The right partner can bring variety to your workouts and motivate you to achieve your fitness goals. But the best part is that it will make your workout much more enjoyable​.

Qi Gong

Try outdoor activities such as Qi Gong to keep yourself fit. 
A gentle exercise composed of fluid movements and breathing, qi gong focuses on improving balance, alignment and bodily functions such as circulation.  

Rock Climbing

Raise your physical activity levels with rock climbing. 
Scaling up those walls involves both upper and lower body strength, intricate footwork and core strength. Although not a common form of cardio, the daunting walls are sure to get your heart pumping.  


Take spinning classes to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. 
This indoor cycling workout, conducted in a dim room to dance beats, is a great abdominal and leg workout that promises to burn 500 calories* on average per class.

Take The Stairs

Take the stairs as part of your healthy active lifestyle. 
This is the most convenient and cheapest exercise option possible. Whether at work or at home, opt for the stairs​ instead of the lift — not just to burn off some extra calories but also to strengthen your lungs and heart​

Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate frisbee is one of the more high-impact family activities out there. 
This non-contact sport may be intense, but it’s easy to play and understand, making it a great opportunity for the whole family to get involved and get competitive at a fun level.


If you and your friends like outdoor activities, then beach volleyball is a perfect sport.
Played in an indoor court or on the beach, the sport calls for agility, speed, balance and strength. Beach volley is a hit on Sentosa, so gather a bunch of friends and start a game​


Walking is an affordable physical activity. 
A very simple exercise! Wake up earlier to walk to work or get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way

Exercise from home

Physical activity comes in different forms, choose one that suits you the best. 
Exercise comes in many different forms. You could attend a spin class, but simple exercises like leg raises and lunges can be done in the comfort of your home.


Yoga is one of the most popular activities in Singapore. 
Yoga involves meditation, breathing techniques and physical postures that strengthen muscles and bring a sense of calm. Try out different types of classes to find which style suits you best.


Take your physical activity to another level with Zumba.
This Latin-inspired cardio-dance workout​ uses music and dance to create a fun fitness atmosphere​. Be prepared for hip-swivelling, fist-pumping moves as you dance your way to fitness. 

*Number of calories burnt varies between individuals and is dependent on different factors, such as body weight and muscle mass.

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