Stay Positive About Healthy Weight Management!

Many people see managing weight as a long and arduous process. Changing your diet, sticking to meal plans and becoming more physically active​ can seem like hard work. However, there are many ways to make achieving your healthy weight enjoyable and fun, so that the positive changes you make become a lifestyle. It is important to look forward to your weight management journey, as it will keep you from giving up. Below are some helpful pointers on how to stay focused on working towards your ideal weight and a healthier lifestyle.

Setting Realistic Goals ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​to Lose Weight Naturally

You may want to achieve a desired weight loss goal, perhaps 5 kg in a week, but it is important to consider if it is a healthy weight loss. You should set realistic and achievable goals to keep yourself from being discouraged when working towards your goal. You can also stay motivated by thinking about why you want to manage your weight and how achieving your health goal can benefit you in the short and long term. Some things to remember are:

Skipping rope is also a form of physical activity that can help you burn fat and reach a healthy body mass index (BMI).

  • Aim to lose weight gradually, e.g. 0.5-1.0kg a week.
  • Work on both diet and exercise. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you manage your weight naturally.
  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks and avoid unhealthy, high-calorie meals.
  • Think about the positive impact a healthier weight can have on your overall health and wellbeing.
  • Remember the health benefits. A healthy weight can put you at lower risk of medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure​ and stroke​.

Be Determined to Make Changes

Before starting your journey, it's important to have a positive attitude​. If you dread the process, it's easy to find excuses to give up. Healthy weight management happens gradually and requires patience. Some things to remember are:

  • Weight management takes time and effort.
  • You may step on the scale and find that you have gained 1kg since yesterday. Don't be disheartened and give up on your healthy diet plans or exercise routine.
  • Weight fluctuations can be very frustrating but they are normal. Weight changes can be caused by a variety of factors like water retention, hormonal changes and increase in healthy muscle mass.
  • The rate of your progress may slow down as you move along. This is normal.
  • Gather your friends and family and join a workout class together. Make a pledge to eat healthily (lots of fruits and vegetables!) together.
  • It's easier to stay motivated when you can find encouragement and support  in the people around you.
  • Picture your new healthy lifestyle. When you are happier about the way you look and feel, you will have more confidence.

Have a Positive Body Image

Here’s a tip that’s more important than all the weight management tips that you may have read. It is important to love your body. Bodies come in many shapes and sizes. You should be mindful of what is a healthy body for you and don't compare yourself with others. When you are contented with your body image, you will automatically have a better outlook in life. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Accept and embrace your own body type.​
  • Don't compare yourself to airbrushed supermodels.
  • Don't be influenced by negative messages from the media.
  • Don't let others put you down.
  • Treasure good health.

Don’t forget to eat breakfast even if you are rushing for time. Pick up an apple to get your blood sugar levels up again.

So Remember...

  • Weight management is a gradual process. Be patient.
  • Set realistic goals to keep you motivated.
  • Love your body. Feeling good about yourself gives you more confidence

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  1. 1. McKee, H., Ntoumanis, N., & Smith, B. (2013). Weight maintenance: Self-regulatory factors underpinning success and failure. Psychology & Health, 28(10), 1207–1223. Retrieved June 2021 from