Our emotions influence how we react to situations, so it’s important for us to understand our feelings and thoughts behind them in order to cope better, especially if we have been experiencing them for a period of time.
Now, let’s try to explore them.
It’s good to know
you’re feeling great!
Now let’s try
to understand why
you’re feeling this way.
Not feeling great?
That happens to all of us sometimes and that’s okay. Now, let’s try to understand why you’re feeling this way.
Keep up the positivity!
Found out what makes you feel good?
Focus on it, and stay positive.
For more tips and resources on staying positive
For self-help resources to cope with daily stresses
You’re making good progress.
It’s good you are able to identify what’s causing you to feel this way. Sometimes we can get caught up in unhelpful thinking patterns which make our situation worse than it seems.
Let’s think about some of these next.
Select any 3 thinking patterns that best
apply to you right now.
The Black-and-White Thinker
Seeing people or situations as either good or bad,
success or failure—there’s no in-between. The Overgeneraliser
Making conclusions based on one situation and believing
that people or situations are always like that. The Personaliser
Taking things personally or self-blaming for things
which are not your fault. The Mind Reader
Imagining you know what others are thinking and
jumping to conclusions without checking. The Disqualifier
Only focusing on the negatives and disqualifying
the positives in a situation. The Labeller
Using labels on yourself or others. E.g. “I’m such a failure”
or “They’re stupid”. The Fortune Teller
Making negative predictions about what’s going to
happen in the future. The Catastrophiser
Expecting only the worst possible outcomes,
while minimising positive outcomes. The Should Thinker
Expecting how situations or people should or must be,
and unable to accept otherwise. None of these apply to me.
Ready to shred these unhelpful
thinking patterns?
Good job on
your emotions.
While there are certain things
we can’t control, we can
control how we react to them.
Now that you have understood your feelings and challenged your thoughts,
it’s easier to focus on the positive so that you can think, feel and act better.
For more tips and resources on staying positive
For self-help resources to cope with daily stresses