Parent Hub: 0-2 Years - Baby Sleep

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Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!

Whether you’re a first-time or an experienced parent, one of the challenges in the first few months is getting quality sleep for daddy, mummy and baby.

Sleep is especially important for the little one for development. Sleeping well has tremendous benefits. When your baby gets enough sleep, he will be more alert and attentive; and be in better physical health and mood. His learning and memory also improves1.


Baby sleeping with parents

3 Ways to Get Your Baby to Fall into Blissful Sleep

Make the environment conducive for sleeping. Helping baby sleep often starts with creating a bedroom environment that is dim, peaceful, quiet, comfortable and free from any screens.

Establish healthy sleep habits. Sleep habits also make a big difference. A consistent bedtime routine and a sleep schedule reinforce the importance of bedtime. A soothing bedtime routine helps baby unwind before sleep and gradually learn it is bedtime.

Keep your baby active during the day. Give your little one lots of opportunities to use up his energy during the day. You’ll find your baby will fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep throughout the night.

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby

One of the most important aspects of baby sleep is safety. Both daddies and mummies take safety very seriously and would go to great lengths to keep their little babies safe.

Here are the tips from the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP)2 to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or “cot death”.

2 American Academy of Pediatrics (retrieved: 3rd August 2021). Safe Sleep, URL:

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby

7 Safe Sleeping Tips for Baby


Planning your nursery?

Here is a checklist you can use to ensure your baby can sleep safely and comfortably!

Get the Checklist

Sleep Recommendations for Babies and Toddlers

How much is enough sleep for baby? Here are some guidelines from the National Sleep Foundation:

When Your Baby is a Newborn

Most newborns spend most of their time asleep. At this stage, they sleep about 14-17 hours a day. They sleep in short bursts of 2-3 hours between feeds. They feed every 2-4 hours or more often if they are going through a growth spurt.

What can I do at this stage?

What can I do at this stage?

Here’s what the EASY method looks like:

Eat:Offer your baby a feed
Activity:Talk, play, cuddle and interact with your baby
Sleep:Place your baby on his back and get him to sleep
Your time:When baby sleeps, it’s your ‘me time’ to rest or complete any tasks.

What can I do at this stage?

What can I do at this stage?

Newborns get tired very quickly and some start feeling sleepy 1 to 1.5 hours after waking. Here are some telltale signs:

What can I do at this stage?

What can I do at this stage?

How do I help my baby fall asleep?

Here are some common ways to help your baby fall asleep:

What to Expect When Your Baby is 2-3 Months Old

At this stage, babies still sleep and wake up both in the day and at night. Most babies sleep for 14-17 hours every 24 hours. Young babies sleep in cycles that last 50-60 minutes. Each cycle is made up of active sleep and quiet sleep. Babies move around and grunt during active sleep and sleep deeply during quiet sleep.

What can I do at this stage?

This stage is when babies start developing day and night sleep patterns. It is a good time to introduce a bedtime routine to help your baby sleep more during the night.

Sleep Regressions When Babies Are 4-6 Months Old

At this stage, babies need 12-15 hours of sleep every 24 hours. They might start having more predictable nap patterns. Typically, they have 2-3 naps lasting up to two hours each. At night, they tend to stay asleep for longer periods. Most will still wake up at least once a night.

How can I deal with sleep regressions?

Before trying the tips below, it is a good idea to make sure your baby isn’t sick as illnesses can disrupt their sleep. See your doctor if your baby has a fever or is much fussier than normal.

Engage your baby and give baby time to practise during the day

Focus on fully feeding your baby during the day

Keep the room dim

Establish a bedtime routine

Wait, then make it quick

Pay attention to sleep cues and act quickly

Introduce ‘drowsy but awake’

As Your Baby Grows Closer to 1-Year-Old

At this stage, babies still need 12-15 hours of sleep every 24 hours. Their sleep cycles are closer to those of grown-ups — which means less frequent waking at night.

What to expect at this stage

Sleep regressions are normal during growth spurts

Baby Sleep Log

Some parents find it useful to maintain a sleep log, to track baby sleep duration and progress. Try it out to get a clearer picture of how much baby is sleeping. The log might also help you understand your baby’s schedule, and create regular wake and sleep routines for your baby.

Tips on Getting More Rest

In the early weeks and months of your baby’s life, you might find it challenging to get enough sleep. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep daily but the amount of sleep you get after the baby arrives depends on what’s happening with your baby.

Make Time for Yourself

Make Time for Yourself

Make time for yourself, even if it is just five minutes. When your baby naps, take a good shower, read some articles or take a nap, too, to catch up on sleep.

Manage Your Expectations

Eat Nutritious Food

Eat Nutritious food

Eat nutritious food, especially if you are breastfeeding. Healthy food can give you more energy.

Rope in Your Spouse and Family

Set Yourself up for Quality Sleep

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