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Recognising end-of-life signs helps caregivers to provide proper palliative care. Learn more about these signs and how to provide comfort during this stage.
You can find information on illegal health products found in Singapore on this page.
What body types are linked with a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes?
Many common hand and wrist conditions multi-disciplinary approaches.
Diapers, pads, catheters and other products for managing continence or incontinence care.
Inpatient hospices, which are part of the healthcare system, provide medical and palliative care services for the terminally ill.
Try your own healthy version of Ikan Tiga Rasa with this recipe from Chef Mel Dean.
How can you balance your healthier eating and still enjoy Christmas and New Year celebrations? Learn how to eat healthier this festive session and stay in shape for the coming year.
Oral health and good oral hygiene play a vital role in the overall well-being of a person.
Looking for quick workout exercises? This 20-minute workout routine will help get your heart rate up and make you feel great with no equipment needed!
Deepavali is one of the major Hindu festivals in Singapore. Also known as the Festival of Lights, it brings family and friends together in joyful celebration and mouth-watering food. In fact, it is impossible to think of Deepavali without mentioning some of the sumptuous delicacies that have been a quintessential part of Indian culinary culture.
A hot, healthy drink could be a simple cup of tea. Learn more about the different types of tea and the health benefits of tea.
Did you know that there are different types of fats in our bodies? Updated findings from ongoing studies of metabolic diseases, obesity and the fat that makes you burn calories
How can you balance healthier eating priorities and still enjoy this festive period? Learn how to sail through this festive session and stay in shape for the coming year
Screening Test Review Committee (STRC), under the Academy of Medicine Singapore (AMS), reviews and makes recommendations on the appropriate use of specific screening tests based on prevailing scientific evidence. Read on to find out more.
What to look out for to ensure playtime isn’t a danger to your child.
We all know that there are different types of physical activity - aerobic, muscle and bone strengthening, balance and flexibility. However, do we know which intensity level we should be exercising at?
Boost your physical activity levels and have fun at the same time! Here’s some inspiration to get moving this weekend with these outdoor and family activities in Singapore.
What are the different parts of teeth, and what are cavities? Find out more about tooth anatomy and how you can prevent tooth decay and tooth cavity.
We all experience emotions, it is a normal and important part of our lives. All emotions have their functions and informs us how to respond appropriately to circumstances we’re in. Learn how to manage your emotions in the face of challenges.
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