The glycaemic index (or GI for short) measures the impact of a carbohydrate food on blood glucose.
The glycaemic index (or GI for short) uses a scale from one to 100 to rank carbohydrate foods based on how quickly and how much they raise blood glucose after eating.
The GI of a food is determined by getting study volunteers to eat a portion of the test food (e.g. white rice) containing 50 grams of carbohydrate after an overnight fast. Their blood samples are then taken at different time intervals to check their blood glucose levels.
On a separate day, the same volunteers are given glucose (simple sugar) or white bread also containing 50 grams of carbohydrate to drink or eat. The same blood glucose tests are taken. The two sets of measurements are then compared.
Glucose or white bread, being the reference food, is given a maximum GI of 100.
All other carbohydrate foods score a GI anywhere from one to 100. Foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood glucose are given higher GI values, while those that cause a more gradual rise in blood glucose are given lower GI values.
Scientists used to think that sugary foods cause a more rapid rise in blood glucose compared to starchy foods but this is not true. While many sugary foods have high GIs, some starchy foods like white bread and potato score even higher than honey or table sugar.
Related: A Guide to Carbs
Eating too much high GI foods causes repeated spikes in your blood glucose.
Studies[1],[2],[3],[4] show that this can lead to an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and colorectal cancer. For persons with diabetes, eating lower GI foods helps to control blood glucose levels[5] and improve weight loss.
Related: Blood Glucose Monitoring
There are many factors[6] affecting the GI of a food and its impact on your blood glucose. Take note of the following when you choose your carbs:
The total amount of carbohydrate you eat is as important as the GI of the food.
For example, watermelon has a high GI but for the portion size you normally eat (one slice), the actual glycaemic load (GI of the watermelon multiplied by the amount of carbohydrate in one slice of watermelon) is low.
Compare this to a bowl of white rice. Although white rice has a GI value comparable to watermelon, it has a higher glycaemic load. This is because a bowl of white rice has more carbohydrates than a slice of watermelon.
The impact of a food on your blood glucose is different when it is eaten on its own and when it is eaten together with other foods.
For example, eating a bowl of rice on its own produces a more rapid increase in blood glucose levels than if it is eaten with meat and vegetables.
Cooking time affects the GI of food too. This is because cooking breaks down the cellular structure of a food, making it easier to digest and raise blood glucose levels.
For example, porridge has a higher GI than plain rice, soft-cooked pasta has a higher GI than al dente pasta, and mashed potato has a higher GI than a whole baked potato.
Processed foods tend to have a higher GI.
For example, white flour has a higher GI than the wholegrains from which it is ground. This is because grinding breaks the protective layers surrounding the grain, making it easier to digest. Similarly, fruit juice has a higher GI than whole fruit.
An over-ripe fruit has a higher GI than under-ripe fruit.
Different varieties of food can have different GI.
For example, short-grain and long-grain white rice have different GI.
Related: The GI Values of Common Foods
The GI measures the impact of carbohydrate foods on your blood glucose. It does not represent the amount of nutrients in the food. Many nutritious foods have a higher GI than foods with little nutritional value. For example, oatmeal has a higher GI than chocolate.
In addition, fat combined with carbohydrate tends to lower the GI value of the food since fat slows digestion. For example, deep-fried potato chips have a lower GI than boiled white potatoes. This does not mean it is healthier to eat potato chips.
That is why a food’s GI value should not be the only thing to consider when planning your meals. Choosing foods lower in saturated fat and salt, and high in nutrients is also important for your health regardless of their GI.
Related: Carbohydrates and Diabetes
Treat the GI as one of many tools to help you make sensible food choices. Balance the use of the GI with My Healthy Plate when deciding what and how much to eat.
Keep track of how different foods affect your blood glucose levels. Each person with diabetes reacts to foods and drinks differently.
Find a meal plan that works for you and helps you achieve your goals for blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure and weight.
While GI values are good-to-know and they help explain spikes in our blood sugar levels, we shouldn’t be planning our meals around them.
When deciding what to eat and how much to eat for a healthy, balanced diet, we should use My Healthy Plate instead.
Fill ½ of your plate with fruit and veggies
Fill ¼ of your plate with wholegrains
Fill ¼ of your plate with meat and other proteins
Gradually, you will be more sensitive to how different types of carbs affect your blood glucose. Choose well and eat wisely!
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This article was last reviewed on 15 Nov 2022
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