When was the last time you had a health screening? Can't remember?

Did you know that health screening is highly affordable and this might give you enough push to make your next appointment!

Health screening under Screen for Life is highly affordable at just $5 or lower. What more, if you have enrolled with Healthier SG (HSG), all these nationally-recommended screening tests are fully subsidised if you screen with your enrolled clinic!

Screen for Life (SFL) is the national screening programme offered at CHAS GP clinics and polyclinics that aims to encourage residents (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents) to go for health screening and follow-up. Eligible Singapore Citizens can screen for selected cancers (colorectal cancer, breast and cervical cancer) as well as cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol). Look up Screen for Life for more information. You can also check with your enrolled HSG clinic when you are due for your recommended screenings.

So what’s holding you back?

Still Not Convinced? Why Not?

Common Reasons for Putting Off Health Screening

woman worried about screening

1. You feel well and think screening is unnecessary.

If you think health screening is only for the older adults, think again! Many conditions have no symptoms or show signs, hence it is better to detect them sooner than later. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and high blood cholesterol, if detected early can be well managed and are less likely to lead to undesirable complications. Similarly, many cancers when detected early can be nipped in the bud too.

Related: If You Think Thin People Don't Get Diabetes, Think Again!

2. You are secretly fearing the worst.

Your mind is filled with “what ifs”. Maybe it’s better not to know. But putting off any form of bad news only means a delay and possibly making it worse for the future. And who says there's no good news? Screening can provide you with peace of mind and prepare you better for the future, rather than not knowing the results.

Related: Key Facts about Cancer

3. You are too busy.

Long hours at work, family matters, exercise, hobbies… we know there are too many things competing for your time and health screening is always something relegated to the future. If this sounds familiar, do your future self a favour by scheduling your health screening appointment today!

Check out Screen for Life programme to know which screening tests are suitable for you.

Related: Make a Commitment to Get Screened for Better Health This Year

Related: 5 Ways to Psych Yourself for a Mammogram

4. You prefer to leave it to fate.

Think again, would you leave the health of your loved ones to fate? Chances are, your loved ones would want you to be more proactive about your health too. Think of those you love and do not leave your health (and their happiness) to chance. Early detection saves lives.

5. It’s not exactly comfortable.

You are worried about the discomfort during the health screening, or feel shy about the process. It is better to endure a little discomfort now and prevent downstream health issues which can be even more uncomfortable.

6. You aren’t exactly sure where to go, what to do.

You can start with the screening tests recommended under the Screen for Life programme, at any CHAS GP clinic near you, or at your enrolled Healthier SG clinic. Visit CHAS GP locator to locate the CHAS GP clinics close to you.

7. You’d rather save cost for the health screening.

Now, with enhanced screening subsidies under the Screen for Life programme going at $5 or less (including a doctor’s consultation for your visit, and the first follow-up consultation, if required), and there are various subsidies for treatment in the hospitals too. No more excuses not to get screened!

For those who are Healthier SG (HSG)-enrolled Singapore Citizens, nationally-recommended screening under Screen for Life will be fully subsidised at your enrolled HSG clinic. Do check with your enrolled HSG clinic when your recommended screening is due!

Get screened today - for better health, and for a better life!

Why Not Now? Health Screening is Now Cheaper and More Accessible


Here's what you can do:

  1. If you are between 18 and 39 years old:

    • Start with the Diabetes Risk Assessment

    • Should you be at higher risk and fall within the Screen for Life eligibility criteria, an email invitation for subsidised screening will be sent to you. Simply use your SingPass to log in and claim your subsidy.

  2. If you are female and 25 years old and above:

    • Go for your cervical cancer screening if you have ever had sex.

  3. If you are 40 years old and above:

    • Check the recommended health screening tests for you under the Screen for Life programme.

    • Check your screening eligibility under the Screen for Life programme.

  4. Make an appointment with your nearest CHAS GP clinic, or your enrolled Healthier SG clinic.

  5. Tell your family, or a friend of your appointment, so that they can remind you to stick to it. Remind yourself too, such as by sticking a reminder on your fridge!

  6. Take note of the preparation and go for the screening on the appointed date. You can find out more information from Screen for Life - National Health Screening Programme

  7. Wait for the results.

    • If you get an “all clear”—good for you! Continue to keep up with a healthy lifestyle.

    • If there are any red flags—it is important that you follow up regularly with your doctor. It is cheaper and more effective to treat health problems early before they become full blown health crises. There are also financial assistance schemes available for further check-ups — like Medisave, Medishield Life and Medifund.

Get screened today — for better health, and for a better life!

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