Many people with mental health conditions often suffer in silence. They keep their condition to themselves until it is too late. Yet, studies have shown that early treatment can improve the progress of recovery for these people. However, late detection or delaying treatment can cause the condition to worsen. So, why do those with mental health conditions delay seeking treatment?


Often, it is due to the fear of rejection and judgement by society. The stigma of mental health conditions is perpetuated in the form of belittlement, discrimination, stereotyping and labeling of people with mental health conditions. Some people believe that those who suffer from mental health conditions are dangerous, unpredictable and should be institutionalised. Often these perceptions are fuelled by media reports of violence involving individuals with mental health conditions who caused physical harm to their family members or the community. These media reports reinforce a negative perception of individuals with mental health conditions, hence, sidelining them as outcasts of society.

How to cope with the symptoms of mental health condition?

Avoid socially isolating yourself. Choose to share about your mental health condition with someone you trust. Decide who this person(s) is/are, and how much you are comfortable sharing. You may wish to share with them your feelings of fear or uncertainty, or simply help them to understand how they can support you in your rehabilitation. Talking about your mental health condition with someone you trust helps.


Sometimes, when you open up about your struggles, friends or family may unintentionally distance themselves because they don't know how to respond. It can be painful, but don’t let that stop you from seeking the support you deserve. Keep trying, and reach out to others who can offer the understanding and care you need.


Talk to your doctor or healthcare professionals to learn how to manage your mental health condition. Surround yourself with supportive people who care about you and are prepared to spur you on to the road of recovery. Join a support group to share your experiences with others who have the same condition as you. It can do wonders to your confidence and releases you from the burden of keeping a secret. Most importantly, follow up on your treatment to improve your condition.

If Your Loved One Has A Mental Health Condition…

It can be difficult having a relative or loved one suffer from mental health conditions, as it can also bring about a change in the lifestyle of family members. However, mental health conditions can be treated, and you can play a very important role in that person's improvement and recovery.


It is important to offer support and empathy for the person suffering from mental health conditions. Understand and learn to accept that a person can demonstrate unusual thoughts or behaviour as an effect of the mental health condition he/she is suffering from. Listen to the person and try to understand what he or she wants or is trying to express. Avoid making hurtful comments when you are frustrated.


Mental health conditions are no different from any other illnesses – they have their own signs and symptoms, diagnosis and cure, as well as ways to manage the symptoms. You should not be ashamed of your loved one's condition. Accepting your loved one's condition can also help to ease any hidden feelings of guilt or fears that the sufferer may undergo due to his/her predicament. If they have not yet started treatment, encourage them to seek help from professionals such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, counsellor or doctor, as early as possible. Be a pillar of support and be involved in their medical progress.

If You Have Recovered From A Mental Health Condition And Thinking Of Rejoining The Workforce...

It may be disheartening that sometimes people around you hold discriminatory attitudes toward you or even shun you when they discover your past medical history. Getting back into society may be an uphill task. Finding a job and making friends can be difficult and challenging for those who have recovered from mental health conditions.


You may kick-start your working life with part-time work that does not demand too much out of you. Allow yourself to be accustomed to working life before gathering momentum to start a full-time job. Once you are ready, a full-time job will be the next leap you are going to make.


Initially, you may encounter stigmatisation and discrimination. You may also face employment barriers; for example, a prospective employer may probe into your medical condition or inform you that you are an unsuitable candidate. Be honest and truthful about your past and take this chance to explain to your prospective employer on how you can contribute to the organisation. If you find that it is too much for you to take, relax and give yourself some time to search for a suitable job with a supportive environment.
Try to immerse yourself in social gatherings and overcome the initial anxiety in meeting new people. The more 'hellos' and 'good-byes' you go through, the less stressed you would become.

Tips for Talking About Mental Health Conditions and Managing Them

  1. Create awareness of mental health conditions amongst friends, relatives and in your workplace. Give them an opportunity to understand more about mental health conditions.
  2. Be understanding of the challenges your loved one with a mental health condition may face. Offer your support by listening without judgment, encouraging them to seek help, and being actively involved in their recovery journey.

  3. If you are managing a mental health condition, consider easing back into working life with short training courses or part-time work. This gradual approach can help you build confidence and manage any anxiety that may arise.

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