Your Pressure Injury Care Journey
1. When a Pressure Injury Develops
- If you suspect a pressure injury, inform a healthcare professional early. Early treatment is key to pressure injury healing.
- If you/ your loved one has a pressure injury, follow the advice of your healthcare provider.
2. What You Can Expect
- With proper treatment, most non-severe (Stage 1 and Stage 2) pressure injuries can heal within a few months.
- Severe pressure injuries (Stage 3, Stage 4, Unstageable Pressure Injury, or Deep Tissue Pressure Injury) can take many months or even years to heal. Continued wound care is important to prevent complications such as infection.
- Should you/ your loved one develop a pressure injury in a healthcare setting, your healthcare team will provide advice on how to care for your pressure injury. They will also provide you with a letter/ memo on the follow up care plans upon discharge home, or upon transfer to another healthcare setting.
- If you/ your loved one is discharged home with a pressure injury, regular follow-up at a polyclinic, outpatient clinic, or regular home care visits may be required.
3. What You Should Do
- Bring along any letter/ memos provided to you for follow-up visits, as it will contain information on your wound status and treatment plans.
- Bring along any wound care products your healthcare team may have provided, during your follow-up visits.
- As treatment needs of a pressure injury can change over time, the healthcare team will reassess your pressure injury regularly during follow-up visits and provide appropriate treatment plans. If you have any questions or concerns, always seek advice from a healthcare professional.
4. After the Pressure Injury Heals
Pressure injuries can recur after healing. To avoid this, follow the 6 steps to pressure injury prevention.
How can pressure injuries be prevented?
Please inform a healthcare professional if you notice signs of a pressure injury, or if you have any questions or concerns.
Refer to the ‘Pressure Injury Toolkit’ for useful tools and tips to help you prevent pressure injuries.
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