How a Pressure Injury Can Affect You?
Pressure injuries are more common than you may think. In developed countries, estimates of the prevalence of pressure injuries range from 10.1% to 14.8%1.
Pressure injuries can cause harm to you or your loved ones. They can cause pain and can also lead to long-term disability or death.
Having a pressure injury affected my life a lot…I cannot sit properly as the wound is on my buttocks, and it can be very painful in certain positions. Nowadays, I also need to rely on others to help me out, whereas in the past I was more independent. ~ Patient Mr D.
Pressure injuries can take months or even years to heal. Once a pressure injury worsens, it becomes harder to treat and can lead to other complications such as skin or bone infections.
I feel frustrated thinking about my pressure injury and when it can be completely healed…it has been 3 months, and the wound has not improved. ~ Patient Mr I.A.
The majority of pressure injuries are preventable, and prevention is better than cure. As a patient/ caregiver, you play an important role in preventing pressure injuries. Make pressure injury prevention your priority today!
It was a very long and tough journey caring for my mum with pressure injuries. I felt very stressed caring for the wounds, and especially worried about them getting worse and becoming infected…If I had known more about pressure injuries, I would have definitely tried to do much more to prevent them from happening. ~ Caregiver Mdm T.
Please inform a healthcare professional if you notice signs of a pressure injury, or if you have any questions or concerns.
1. World Health Organisation & World Alliance for Patient Safety. Research Priority Setting Working Group (2008).Summary of the evidence on patient safety: implications for research.
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