What is Mental
Mental well-being
is part of our overall health yet
it is often a misunderstood topic
Uncover the facts to the commonly held misconceptions about mental well-being below.
Is mental health
the same as
mental illness?
Is mental well-being
as important as
physical health?
Mental well-being
is also about
coping with our emotions
We experience varying emotions, ranging from happiness to sadness to anger and more. On some days, we may feel
energised while on other days, we may feel stressed. It is normal to feel all kinds of emotions because mental well-being
is about accepting and embracing all
these emotions.
And that’s why, it’s OKAY not to be okay at times. We can all learn to improve our mental well-being by incorporating
”OKAY” tips in our
daily lives.
Interested to find out more about how to
manage your emotions,
stress or even
sleep better?
Explore the relevant pages in this portal to
learn more.
Taking care of our mental well-being
Sustaining mental well-being requires time and effort. Try the OKAY tips today:
Click on the OKAY buttons below to learn more.
Observe your emotions
- Identify them, assess how you are feeling and what’s causing you to feel that way.
- Take a pause and reflect upon how you are currently feeling by using
The Feelings Tracker below as a guide for such daily self check-ins.
Keep a healthy lifestyle
Adopt the following healthy lifestyle habits:
Get a good night’s sleep daily
Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each day.
Have a balanced diet
- – Adopt the Quarter, Quarter, Half rule for My Healthy Plate...
Exercise regularly
- – Aim for 150-300 mins of physical activity each week…
Adopt coping skills
Better manage your time
Make a list of things that need to be done. Plan your time in…
Learn to reframe your
thoughts to build resilience
- – The way we think about challenges plays an important…
Engage in activities to clear
your mind
- – You can try deep breathing exercises, mental relaxation…
You can reach out
Reaching out is a sign of courage and asking for support does not mean that we are any less capable.
Reach out to support yourself and others.
Stay connected
- – “Create” your own support system. These could be a friend…
Be there for others
- – It is not always obvious when the people you care for is…
Seek mental health
resources & services
There are many avenues of support available. Click the button below to find the support suitable for your needs.
Mental well-being self-assessment tool
Our mental well-being is important because it affects how we handle stress and tackle the different demands in our lives. Having a positive mindset and being resilient can directly affect our overall well-being.
The Singapore Mental Wellbeing Scale is a set of 16 questions that those
aged 18 and above can use to assess their state of mental well-being.
Please note this is a self-assessment and not a medical diagnosis.
Mental health is different from
mental illness.
This is a commonly misunderstood concept by many;
1 in 2 Singaporeans view that mental health is all about
mental illness.Mental health is in fact, a continuum, ranging from “well and coping” on the left, to “clinically diagnosed with mental illness” on the right.
Depending on our ability to manage stress, lifestyle habits and coping ability, we can move along this spectrum over time and at any time.
Yes, it is!
Mental well-being is part of our overall health and is just as important as our physical health.
However, 4 in 10 Singaporeans do not think so.
Like physical health, mental well-being is important for everyone at every stage of life. It helps one cope with the varying emotions and normal stresses that we all experience in our
daily lives.
Have a balanced diet
- Adopt the Quarter, Quarter, Half rule for My Healthy Plate.
- Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter plate
with wholegrains and a quarter plate with protein.
Exercise regularly
- Aim for 150-300 mins of physical activity each week.
- Stay active with free workout classes.
- Set and track your personal physical activity goals on the Healthy 365 app.
Better manage your time
Make a list of things that need to be done. Plan your time in advance and block off time to complete each task on time.
Learn to reframe your thoughts to build resilience
- The way we think about challenges plays an important role in building resilience. Reframing your thoughts—for example, recalling times when you successfully overcame difficulties or finding opportunities for growth in a stressful situation—can help you face challenges with greater confidence and strength.
- Identify your strengths and review how you had managed to overcome your past challenges, and how you can always tap on them when times are rough.
- You could also make a list of things that you are grateful for to remind yourself that there are still many positive aspects in your life. Sometimes we may get so negative that we tend to only focus on the negative.
- Make the best out of the situation by focusing on things you can control.
Engage in activities
to clear your mind
- You can try deep breathing exercises, mental relaxation exercises like visual imagery and mindfulness.
- Take a bath or go for a jog to clear your mind whenever you feel stressed or anxious.
- Set aside some ‘me time’ every day to relax or do things you enjoy.
Stay connected
- “Create” your own support system. These could be a friend, parent, relative or colleague and generally people you can talk to.
- Talking to others can help relieve pent-up feelings or worries. It could offer us new insights or help us view things from a different perspective. Learn the benefits of reaching out for support.
Be there for others
- It is not always obvious when the people you care for are going through a tough time. You can play an important role in supporting them by offering a listening ear. Discover your supporting style and how you can boost your skills with this short quiz.
- Starting a conversation with those you care for can further help you understand how they feel. Learn tips on how you can show your support for them during this conversation and act with CARECARE.
- Not only can you provide the people you care for with a sense of security and comfort, but you can also have a different perspective of your own challenges. Use these useful resources to check-in and let them know you are thinking of them.
Seek mental health
resources & services
- There are many avenues of support available. Click the button below to find the support suitable for your needs.
Mental well-being
self-assessment tool
Our mental well-being is important because it affects how we handle stress and tackle the different demands in our lives. Having a positive mindset and being resilient can directly affect our overall well-being.
The Singapore Mental Wellbeing Scale is a set of questions that those aged 18 and above can use to assess their state of mental well-being.
Please note this is a self-assessment and not a medical diagnosis.
For each question, please SELECT the option that comes closest to how you have felt, thought, and behaved IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS — not just today.
Complete all questions.
Your score will be automatically calculated and shown to you after you submit this questionnaire.
Chan, M. F., Isnis, I., Chang, W. C., Chew, L., & Sng, Y. L. (2013). Development and Validation of a Mental Wellbeing Scale in Singapore. Psychology, 04(07), 592–606. https://doi.org/10.4236/psych.2013.47085
Select the option that comes
closest to how you have felt, thought, and behaved IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS –
not just today.
Question of
I am optimistic about the future.
I am spiritual.
I am able to accept myself.
I am able to accept reality.
I am able to cope with life’s challenges.
I am calm.
I am not depressed.
I am able to make friends.
I have the strong support of my family and friends.
I seek for self-development/growth/ cultivation.
I am able to offer help to others.
I am appreciative of life.
I appreciate my own self-worth.
I am happy.
I am able to think clearly.
I am able to make good decisions.
Finally, please select your age group.
This will help us provide you with resources better suited to your needs.
Your score:
Your score suggests that your overall level of mental well-being is low.
Your answers indicate that you:
- May find it difficult to carry out daily responsibilities
- May be facing major difficulties in your relationships with family and friends
- May feel stuck and helpless when making decisions or trying to solve problems
- May find it tough to control your emotions
- May feel overwhelmed by stress
Navigating this stage in life can be difficult, especially when dealing with challenges. Click “Next” to find out how you can manage your stress when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Navigating this stage in life can be challenging, especially when coping with difficult responsibilities. Click “Next” to find out how you can relax and recharge to overcome your challenges.
Navigating this stage in life can come with its own complexities but it is important to remember that facing challenges is normal, regardless of age. Click “Next” to find out how you can manage your well-being to overcome these obstacles.
During difficult times, it is important to remember that there are helpful tools and services available if you need it. Learn more here.
If you are concerned about your quiz results, reach out to someone you trust, such as your parents or a trusted adult (e.g. your school counsellor).
Remember: it is okay to reach out to someone you can trust — whether it is a friend, family member, or healthcare professional. If you are in need of additional support, there are various tools and services available for your needs. Learn more here.
You can also visit Belle, the Beyond the Label helpbot, to find useful mental health services and resources.
When going through difficult times, it is okay to reach out to someone you can confide in — whether it is a friend, family member, or healthcare professional.
If you need assistance, there are various tools and services tailored to your needs that you can explore. Learn more here.
You can also connect with Belle, the Beyond the Label helpbot, to find useful mental health services and resources.
Your score:
Your score suggests that your mental well-being is fair.
Your answers indicate that you:
- May sometimes find it hard to function effectively at home and at work
- Could be facing some difficulty maintaining satisfying relationships with family and friends
- May need occasional help to make effective decisions or solve problems
- May sometimes be unaware of your emotions, or find it hard to control them
- May question your self-worth at times
- May find it tough to cope with challenges and obstacles
Life can be demanding, especially when you are going through big changes.
Click “Next” to find out how you can add self-care into your daily routine when things seem overwhelming.
Life can be demanding, especially when you have a lot on your plate.
Click “Next” to find out how you can add self-care to your day during these moments.
Life can be demanding, especially when you are going through significant transitions. Click “Next” to find out how you can prioritise caring for yourself when you feel overwhelmed.
Slow down, take a step back, and explore some helpful tips on coping with stress and managing your emotions.
If you find yourself facing challenges, remember that it is okay to reach out for support when you need it. Learn more here.
Take a breather, step back, and pick up helpful tips on how to cope with stress and manage your emotions.
If you are having a difficult time, remember that it is okay to reach out for support. Other help is also available if you need it. Learn more here.
Pause, take a deep breath, and explore some helpful tips that can help you handle stress and navigate your emotions.
If you are having a difficult time, remember that there is a community ready to lend a hand when times get tough. Learn more here.
Your score:
Your score suggests that you are maintaining a good level of mental well-being.
Your answers indicate that you:
- Generally function well at work and at home
- Have satisfying and meaningful relationships with family and friends
- Can solve problems and make decisions without much difficulty
- Are usually aware of your feelings and can control them
- Have the ability to cope with life’s challenges
Keep up the good work in caring for your mental well-being!
Click “Next” for more tips to help you through tough times.
Keep up the good work in caring for your mental well-being!
Click “Next” for more tips to continue caring for your well-being at your own pace.
Keep up the good work in caring for your mental well-being!
Click “Next” for more tips on refreshing your body and mind.
Continue to care for your mental well-being by setting aside time for regular self-care.
Including OKAY tips in your daily routine can help you care for your mental well-being, especially on rough days. Learn more here.
Continue to care for your mental well-being by setting aside time for regular self-care.
OKAY tips can provide you with the support you need to care for your mental well-being. Learn more here.
Continue to care for your mental well-being by setting aside time for regular self-care.
Including some time for self-care daily with OKAY tips can help you enhance your mental well-being. Learn more here.
Your score:
Your score suggests that you are maintaining excellent mental well-being.
Your answers indicate that you:
- Function very well in your daily activities
- Enjoy meaningful and fulfilling relationships with family and friends
- Make effective decisions
- Understand and control your emotions very well
- Accept yourself for who you are
- Cope well with stress
You have done an amazing job in looking after yourself!
Click “Next” for tips to continue prioritising your well-being.
You have done a great job of taking care of yourself!
Click “Next” for more tips to keep up with self-care.
Continue the good work in caring for your mental well-being!
Click “Next” for more tips to boost your self-care.
Continue to care for your mental well-being by setting aside time for regular self-care.
Adopting OKAY tips can help you nurture and maintain your mental well-being during this period in life. Learn more here.
Continue to care for your mental well-being by setting aside time for regular self-care.
OKAY tips can help you maintain your well-being as you navigate your day-to-day demands. Learn more here.
Continue to care for your mental well-being by setting aside time for regular self-care.
Adding OKAY tips to your daily routine can help maintain your mental well-being. Learn more here.