
Explore our suite of self-care tools and resources to help you better understand and manage your mental health.

What is Mental

Mental well-being is part of our overall health yet it is often a misunderstood topic

Uncover the facts to the commonly held misconceptions about mental well-being below.

Is mental health the same as mental illness?

Is mental health the same as mental illness?

Is mental well-being as important as physical health?

Is mental well-being as important as physical health?


Mental well-being
is also about
coping with our emotions

We experience varying emotions, ranging from happiness to sadness to anger and more. On some days, we may feel energised while on other days, we may feel stressed. It is normal to feel all kinds of emotions because mental well-being is about accepting and embracing all these emotions.

And that’s why, it’s OKAY not to be okay at times. We can all learn to improve our mental well-being by incorporating ”OKAY” tips in our daily lives.

Interested to find out more about how to manage your emotions, stress or even sleep better? Explore the relevant pages in this portal to learn more.

Mental well-being is also about coping with our emotions

Taking care of our mental well-being

Sustaining mental well-being requires time and effort. Try the OKAY tips today:

Click on the OKAY buttons below to learn more.

Observe your emotions

  • Identify them, assess how you are feeling and what’s causing you to feel that way.
  • Take a pause and reflect upon how you are currently feeling by using The Feelings Tracker below as a guide for such daily self check-ins.
identify emotions
Use the Feelings Tracker

Keep a healthy lifestyle

Adopt the following healthy lifestyle habits:

Get a good night’s sleep daily

Get a good night’s sleep daily

Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each day.

Have a balanced diet

Have a balanced diet

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly

  • – Aim for 150-300 mins of physical activity each week…

Adopt coping skills

Better manage your time

Better manage your time

Make a list of things that need to be done. Plan your time in…

Learn to reframe your thoughts to build resilience

Learn to reframe your thoughts to build resilience

  • – The way we think about challenges plays an important…
Engage in activities to clear your mind

Engage in activities to clear your mind

You can reach out

Reaching out is a sign of courage and asking for support does not mean that we are any less capable.

Reach out to support yourself and others.

Stay connected

Stay connected

  • – “Create” your own support system. These could be a friend…
Be there for others

Be there for others

  • – It is not always obvious when the people you care for is…
Seek mental health resources & services

Seek mental health
resources & services

There are many avenues of support available. Click the button below to find the support suitable for your needs.

Mental well-being self-assessment tool

Our mental well-being is important because it affects how we handle stress and tackle the different demands in our lives. Having a positive mindset and being resilient can directly affect our overall well-being.

The Singapore Mental Wellbeing Scale is a set of 16 questions that those aged 18 and above can use to assess their state of mental well-being.

Please note this is a self-assessment and not a medical diagnosis.

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