Korang OK? - I Quit for Good

Live happier and fuller lives with your loved ones by taking small steps towards healthier living! Together with our partners at M³ (MUIS, MENDAKI and MESRA), we’re here to help kick-start and support your journey with healthier eating and mental well-being tips, health screening subsidies and free physical activity programmes.

Quit For Your Loved Ones

Has the thought of quitting smoking ever crossed your mind? If it has, you are one step closer to quitting already. If it hasn't, it is not too late for you to start now. It might help if you think of what would motivate you to ultimately quit smoking. For instance, quitting for someone dear to you as you care for their well-being. Check out these inspiring stories from past smokers whom have successfully quit for their loved ones.

Muchtar’s I Quit Journey

Muchtar has been smoking for 10 years when his wife encouraged him to quit smoking in anticipation of the birth of their first child. Today, he inspires other people to quit, and advises others to quit smoking too.

Syafiq’s I Quit Journey

Motivated by not wanting to suffer from lung complications like his grandfather, Syafiq finally managed to quit smoking after five attempts! Watch how his resilience coupled with his grandmother's support helped him quit smoking for good.

Fadhlur Rahman

“I tried to quit many times but the real motivation came when I had my daughters. It made me realise how precious life is. I wanted to see them grow up. As a father, I want them to look up to me as a good role model. That’s when I realised I need to kick the smoking habit.”

Adlina Anis

“Zayed’s in charge of his lifestyle change and I’m here to listen if he wishes to talk or hear encouraging words. Whenever the nicotine withdrawals hit, we’d spend even more time together. We’d go to the movies, take long walks and cycle at our favorite spots. While some days may be harder than others, I’m glad to be by his side to fight through together. Zayed is happier and healthier now and we’ve truly earned the best days of our lives.”

Ryan Sufiyan

“Meet my daughter, Nuha Hessa. She is one of the main reasons why I quit smoking and I’ve remained smoke-free for 3 years. I want to be able to spend more time with her, care for her and be there for her as she grows up.

TBH, the journey to quit wasn’t easy. Some days were definitely harder. There were times when I wanted to give up. But I didn’t, she kept me going.”

Why Should I Quit?

4 Reasons to Join the Personalised I Quit Programme Today

A Quit Plan Just for You

Answer a few questions and you will be recommended a quit method based on your level of nicotine dependence and preferences.

Cease Smoking Your Way

I Quit offers 3 cessation pathways; SMS, phone counselling and Face-to-face counselling via Choose a Pathway which suits your needs.

We Have Counsellors

For a period of 12 months, QuitLine counsellors will call you to see how you are doing and encourage and motivate you to stay smoke-free and quit for good.

You Have Them

Getting support from the right person can make you feel empowered to conquer every challenge on your quit journey. Nominate a loved one to help ease your journey to a healthier, smoke-free life.

Join Our Community

Be part of a community that makes healthy living easier and more fun! Follow us on Facebook to stay inspired with healthy lifestyle tips, plus get the latest updates on programmes and events designed to support you and your loved ones.​

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